Novell Delivers Secure Instant Messaging for Critical eBusiness Communication

Novell, Inc., the leading supplier of Net services software, today announced the availability of Novell instantme 2.0, which enables fast, secure communications on the Net.

1 August 2000

  • Novell instantme is the only product that provides secure instant messaging within AOL's Buddy List Network
  • Ensures the integrity and confidentiality of eBusiness communication exchanged over intranets, extranets and the Internet
  • CUseeMe technology adds audio and video conferencing

Novell, Inc., the leading supplier of Net services software, today announced the availability of Novell instantme 2.0, which enables fast, secure communications on the Net. One of the industry's first secure instant messaging products, Novell instantme 2.0 includes audio and video communication, security technologies like encryption and digital certificates, and is the only product that provides secure instant messaging within America Online's Buddy List Network the world's largest instant messaging community. Developed in conjunction with AOL, Novell instantme 2.0 enables critical eBusiness communication by ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of all communication exchanged over intranets, extranets or the Internet.

"Customer satisfaction in the new Net economy follows one simple rule: Meet the demands of your customers quickly or they'll go somewhere else," said Dave Richards of Rockford Corporation, a manufacturer and distributor of high-performance audio systems. "In that regard, Novell instantme gives Rockford Corporation the competitive advantage of providing fast, reliable communication that allows us to evaluate and act on a given issue in Internet time. Also, we can now trust instant messaging to handle even the most sensitive topics because of Novell instantme's enhanced security features."

"Supporting Novell's one Net vision, Novell instantme crosses all network and company boundaries, allowing quick, easy and secure communication with co-workers, customers, partners and suppliers," said John Gailey, vice president of product management for Novell's Net Content Division. "Further, because it uses Novell digitalme technology a Net identity service user's contact lists are stored 'in the Net,' making them accessible regardless of the user's location or the machine he or she is using."

What's New in Novell instantme 2.0

Novell instantme extends the ability for users to communicate in real-time with partners, suppliers and customers, as well as take part in private conversations that demand quick response. Specific enhancements in version 2.0 include:

  • Secure instant messaging Most instant messages today can be "captured" or intercepted by unknown parties, eliminating the opportunity to use instant messaging for critical communications. Novell instantme ensures the integrity and confidentiality of messages exchanged over the Internet through security technologies like encryption and digital certificates.
  • Audio and video communication With the addition of technology from industry partner CUseeMe Networks (NASDAQ: CUSM), Novell instantme now supports real-time multimedia communications such as text, audio and video allowing corporations to communicate and compete in Internet time.

"Adding CUseeMe's video technology to Novell instantme brings a new dimension to instant messaging," said Forrest Milkowski, vice president of business development for CUseeMe Networks. "Businesses now can communicate using whatever medium makes the most sense whether it's simple text to ask a quick question or video conferencing for an impromptu brainstorming session."

Instant Messaging for eBusinesses

Instant messaging is an ideal application for eBusinesses because it provides a much-needed medium for quick, perishable responses, such as those requesting time-sensitive information or rapid decisions. By ensuring secure messaging, Novell instantme is an effective tool for even the most critical eBusiness communication. In today's competitive environment, eBusinesses cannot rely on e-mail alone to communicate because exchanges often take too long for problem resolution due to delayed download or e-mail policies. Through instant messaging applications like Novell instantme, the immediate availability of a user is known, enabling eBusinesses to quickly and securely communicate on the Net.

Powered by eDirectory

Novell instantme leverages the power of Novell's NDS eDirectory and digitalme identity services platform, delivering a highly secure and scalable foundation for instant messaging functionality that is business-ready. Utilizing the directory, Novell instantme stores users' business contact information and makes it available from anywhere on the Net. By offering roaming capabilities and real-time access to important contact information, digitalme allows users to respond quickly to urgent matters no matter where they are or what station they're working from.

Availability and Pricing

Licenses to Novell instantme 2.0 will be available Aug. 4 as a free download that supports Windows* 95, Windows 98, NT and Windows 2000. Users can download the software by going to

About Novell

Novell, Inc. (NASDAQ:NOVL), is the leading provider of Net services software that delivers services to secure and power all types of networks the Internet, intranets, and extranets; wired to wireless; corporate and public across leading operating systems. Novell's Net services software provides the foundation for one Net a single global network that supports new applications and forms of business. Worldwide channel, consulting, education and technical support programs, along with strategic alliances, combine Novell Net services software with third-party products and services to form complete Net solutions.

For information on Novell's complete range of products and services, contact Novell's Customer Response Center at (888) 321-4CRC (4272), or visit Novell's Web site at Press may access Novell announcements and company information on the World Wide Web at In addition, detailed comparisons between Novell products and competitive offerings from other vendors are available on the Web at

Novell and NDS are registered trademarks, and digitalme, eDirectory and instantme are trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. *All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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