- Windows Server 2016
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2008 R2
- 4 GB recommended minimum
- Network connectivity to the system under test and to all Silk Performer® agent computers.
- HTTP(S)/HTML, IPv6, Ajax, Silverlight, mobile devices, Java over HTTP, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Adobe Flex/AMF3, Granite DS Flex, Unicode (UTF-8), SOAP (XML), FTP, LDAP, MAPI, IMAP, SMTP/POP, SSL, CORBA (IIOP), Java RMI (EJB/J2EE), .NET Remoting, Oracle Forms, Citrix, VMWare Horizon View, ODBC, Oracle Call Interface (OCI), DB2 CLI, TCP/IP, UDP, Tuxedo ATMI, Jolt, TN3270E, TN5250, T100/200+ and UI Level (Silk Test, Selenium)
- Remedy ARS Web
- PeopleSoft
- Siebel
- Oracle Applications
- Oracle Forms
- Windows & UNIX system/network counters
- Microsoft IIS
- Apache
- IBM WebSphere
- WebLogic
- IBoss
- Oracle
- VMWare
- Microsoft SQL Server
- .NET Framework
- Java Framework
- DLL Interface