ROI Calculator

Calculate your savings

Find out how quickly your investment in resource management and asset management will pay off. Begin by completing the Getting Started section. Then move on to the sections below to complete the analysis.

Getting Started
Number of workstations in your organization
Average software titles per workstation
Total software installations in your organization
Annual salary/benefits cost per IT support staff

There is no need to click any buttons for the analysis to be calculated. The results will update as you enter your values. It is easiest to just TAB through the whole form.

For more information about each area of savings or about individual fields, click on the ? next to the item.

Direct Cost Savings
Software Compliance Exposure
Number of non-compliant titles
Maximum civil fine per title
Maximum criminal fine per title
Maximum fine
Total number of potential illegal copies
Average retail cost per illegal copy
Cost of purchasing legitimate licenses
Total software compliance exposure
Probability of an external software audit
Software compliance exposure
Software Overspending
Percentage of workstations with unused, licensed software
Average annual cost to upgrade per workstation
Average cost for annual maintenance per workstation
Software overspending
End-of-Lease Costs
Automatic Lease Extension Costs
Workstations returned late (per year)
Average months late
Average lease cost per workstation per month
Cost of automatic lease extensions
Cost of Software SW and HW (not harvested for future use)
Workstations returned with added SW and HW (per year)
Average value of added SW and HW
Cost of added SW and HW (not harvested for future use)
Total end-of-lease costs
Asset Redeployment
Percentage of workstations that could be redeployed (per year)
Average cost of a new workstation
Average cost of software per workstation
Asset redeployment opportunity cost
Percentage of workstations that could be redeployed (per year)
Description of Other Avoidable Direct Costs (limit 30 chars):
Operational Costs
Help Desk Support
Average help desk calls per year per workstation
Percentage of calls where lack of workstation configuration info wastes time
Minutes wasted per call with no configuration info
Time wasted (days)
Annual Opportunity Cost
Technology Migrations
Hours needed to upgrade/migrate per workstation
Percentage of workstations migrated per year
Percentage time wasted with no workstation configuration info
Time wasted (days)
Annual Opportunity Cost
Hours needed per workstation visit
Visits per workstation per year
Percentage decrease in workstation visits due to standards
Time savings (days)
Annual Opportunity Cost
Other Operational Costs
Other Avoidable Operational Costs
Description of Other Avoidable Direct Costs (limit 30 chars):
Total Operational Cost Savings
Total Cost Savings
Implementation Costs
Software and consulting costs (if needed)
Internal implementation costs
Labor costs associated with ongoing inventory administration (first year)
Total cost (first year)
Bottom Line
Return on investment (first year)
Percentage Return on Investment (first year)
Payback Period (months)