
Modernize and evolve critical business functions

Ensure critical COBOL business functions are accessible, maintainable and can evolve with changing requirements by fully integrating them into your .NET or Azure cloud infrastructure.

IBM CICS and batch environment

Enables mainframe IBM CICS online and batch applications to deploy within Windows .NET or Azure with minimal changes to the application.

Full integration with .NET

Compile COBOL applications as Intermediate Language (IL) and execute it within the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Continuous monitoring

Real-time monitoring and transaction performance measurement for capacity planning and up time management.

Batch and CICS application scalability

Integrated and entirely managed by the scale-out Windows .NET or Azure cloud platform.

Manage your environment

Get total coverage of automated tasks by administrating your applications through management console, command line, and PowerShell.

Reduce operating costs for selected workloads

Reduce IT operating costs by as much as 90 percent by deploying mainframe application workload to Microsoft Windows .NET and the Azure cloud.

Reduce risk and reuse business applications

Reuse trusted COBOL business rules and achieve increased flexibility using the latest Microsoft technologies.

Achieve critical reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) level

Instantly build in fault tolerance and greatly simplify disaster recovery with scale-out architecture.

Higher quality of service (QOS) at lower cost

Continue to deliver expected Quality of Service (QOS) levels but with lower overall application costs.