Less in-box clutter, more social approach

Get notified without endless email.

GroupWise® makes it easy to both reduce your email in-box clutter while still keeping you updated and in the know. We call this “social threading” and it’s a new way to organize your in-coming email.

With social threading—you’ll be notified of replies to an email via a badge notification and moving the entire conversation to the top of your in-box. So if you’ve copied your team of twenty, and gotten 15 responses, you’d simply see the original email with a badge notification of 15, rather than getting 15 email cluttering up your in-box. All responses come in as a nested conversation, so it’s easy to understand who responded to what part of the conversation.

It’s just one way GroupWise is making business communication more dynamic and clutter-free while still making it fun and more social!

Less in-box clutter, more social approach
Less in-box clutter, more social approach