Beyond Bare-Metal Restoration

Recovery to any physical or virtual infrastructure.

PlateSpin® Protect leverages patented technology to close the loop of disaster recovery. Fail back or recover your workloads to any available server—physical or virtual. With the broadest support of x86 hardware and virtual platforms, PlateSpin gets you back to business as usual with ultimate flexibility.

Worry-free return trip home

Once a disaster has been declared over and the journey to business as usual begins, other disaster recovery solutions leave customers holding the bag.

PlateSpin Protect offers more than a fast and easy recovery. More importantly, it offers an equally worry-free return trip home. Once the failed server is repaired, or even if a new server is procured, the virtual recovery server workload can be migrated back to your production data center. Since PlateSpin Protect can return the recovery server workload to any physical server or even virtual infrastructure, you don’t have to worry about matching hardware makes and models when it's time to return to business as usual.

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Freedom to choose

Choose whether to rebuild the server as new or simply migrate back any changed data that may have occurred when the failed server can be easily repaired.

Taking a whole-workload approach provides the highest level of flexibility for disaster recovery.