Centralize the management of all your devices into a single, unified, easy-to-use web-based ZENworks console called ZENworks Control Center.
With ZENworks, you deploy a single desktop agent for both endpoint configuration and security management, and you use a single unified console to manage all your endpoint configuration and security policies and capabilities.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management comes complete with stronger, more robust capabilities that ensure even greater control and tighter security. From mobile devices, to Wi-Fi, storage, virtual networks, and secure applications controls—ZENworks has all-new, enhanced solutions to protect your critical information like never before.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management provides other new capabilities with better, more secure encryption and firewall benefits.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management gives you even more control over your devices no matter where they are, even outside your security perimeter. We help you manage at the lowest level for optimal security and performance, safely controlling connectivity via LAN, modem, Bluetooth, Infrared, 1394 (Firewire), and more.
Don't let your secrets walk out the door on a thumb drive. With us, you can prevent both intentional and inadvertent transmission of data to all your removable storage devices. And coupled with data encryption, you are more secure from both internal and external data loss.
In the never-ending quest to keep users from using bogus wireless networks, ZENworks Endpoint Security Management will help you centrally control when, how, and where users are allowed to connect. And more than just detecting intrusions, it completely prevents users 24/7 in all locations.
Keep everyone compliant with corporate application policies by securing endpoints with a tool that lets you control the applications people can and cannot use. We can help you make sure only approved applications run on corporate IT assets by creating blacklists or by enforcing certain applications to run prior to network connection.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management verifies that designated endpoint PC antivirus and/or anti-spyware software is running and is up to date, whether the endpoint connects to the corporate network or to the Internet.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management protects each endpoint by ensuring that the security client cannot be altered, hacked, or uninstalled. Protect corporate data with tools that truly secure the endpoints from insiders and outsiders.
Get driver-level firewall protection powerful enough to protect government computers from hackers and malware.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management ensures the safe use of removable storage devices through policies.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management lets you easily define and enforce data encryption policies that deliver data security and peace of mind.
Common Criteria Enforce ESS (ZENworks Endpoint Security Management) is officially listed on the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Common Criteria website at http://www.niap-ccevs.org/cc-scheme/vpl/ and is the first location-aware endpoint security product to receive EAL4+ status.
ZENworks Endpoint Security Management utilizes an installed client application to enforce complete security on the endpoint itself.
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