AltaVista Search Software to Power Novell Portal Services Search

Novell, Inc., a leader in eBusiness solutions and Net services software, and AltaVista, a leading search technology and a majority-owned operating company of CMGI, Inc., today announced plans to integrate AltaVista* Search Engine Software into the next release of Novell® Portal Services.

5 September 2001

  • AltaVista Search Software will be delivered in the next release of Novell Portal Services to make resources and information more accessible across both a corporate intranet and the Internet
  • AltaVista Search Software will leverage the power of Novell eDirectory to provide secure, business-context-based search capabilities to ensure the right information and resources are accessed by authorized people

Novell, Inc., a leader in eBusiness solutions and Net services software, and AltaVista, a leading search technology and a majority-owned operating company of CMGI, Inc., today announced plans to integrate AltaVista* Search Engine Software into the next release of Novell® Portal Services. As a core component of Novell Portal Services, the AltaVista Search Software will leverage the power of Novell eDirectory™ to provide secure search capabilities based on users' business context (roles, locations, business hierarchy, workgroups, cost codes, etc.), giving portal users fingertip access to the combined information resources of the intranet and the Internet. Efficient and secure access to these critical resources helps users work more effectively while enhancing relationships and communications with partners and customers.

Unlike other portal search offerings, the directory-enabled AltaVista Search Software will dynamically associate categories across the intranet and Internet based on business context, all from a Web browser. Business context and identity stored in the corporate directory ensure sensitive information never shows up in a user's search results unless that person is authorized to see it.

"Dynamic search is a core function for portal solutions. Secure, business-context-based search is core for Novell's future in delivering easily accessible Web services," said Allen Tietjen, Novell Portal Solutions business unit manager. "When you take AltaVista Search Software with its extensive capabilities, make it personalized and secure inside and outside the firewall based on a user's identity and business context and put it in a portal solution, you have a very effective way of delivering increased productivity and valuable information to your decision-makers, customers and partners. No other portal software provider can give you the secure, business-context-based search that Novell can. We believe there is a huge market opportunity in the delivery of Web services through the portal, and this partnership is a key first step in Novell's ongoing strategic advancement in this market."

"Novell Portal Services will help organizations exploit all of their knowledge assets along with information on the Internet by wrapping the security of its directory around AltaVista Search Software," said Phil Rugani, executive vice president, AltaVista Search Software. "Novell is eliminating the barriers between the intranet and the Internet."

AltaVista Search Software provides significant search technologies that offer categorization across more than 225 file formats, effectively searching all data, structured or unstructured. The reach of the search expands beyond traditional word processing documents to include images, videos, PDFs and other types of global content. More than 30 languages are supported, including double-byte languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean, allowing companies to immediately deploy search across global markets, operations and supply chains.

"This will be a great boost to the productivity and communication capabilities of our users, customers and partners," said Jesper Bergstedt, president and CEO of 2ndC in Denmark. "It's always difficult to find the right information from so many sources and networks, so there is a great deal of value in Novell personalizing and securing the way we search for information in a portal. And because it's secure, we can put all of our information out there on the Net, and without a lot of administrative overhead, the right people will see the right information."

Availability and further details about the next release of Novell Portal Services including AltaVista Search Software will be announced in October.

About AltaVista Search Software
AltaVista Search Software ( organizes and turns unstructured data into valuable information for businesses, improves online customer satisfaction and provides a universal view of information across one platform. AltaVista provides its industry-leading search engine technology to more than 1,200 companies, including, Ariba, Reuters,, DaimlerChrysler, Procter& Gamble, and Siemens, among others. Headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., AltaVista is a majority owned operating company of CMGI, Inc. (Nasdaq: CMGI).

About Novell
Novell, Inc. (NASDAQ: NOVL), is a leader in eBusiness solutions and Net services software designed to secure and power the networked world. Novell and its subsidiary, Cambridge Technology Partners, help organizations solve complex business challenges, simplify their systems and processes, and capture new opportunities with one Net solutions. Novell provides worldwide channel, consulting, education and developer programs to support its offerings.

For information on Novell's complete range of products and services, contact Novell's Customer Response Center at (888) 321-4CRC (4272), or visit Novell's Web site at Information on eBusiness and e-integration solutions from Cambridge Technology Partners can be accessed at Press may access Novell announcements and company information on the World Wide Web at

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