System Requirements

This section lists system requirements needed to run Micro Focus Connect.

Web Browsers
  • Google Chrome 35+
  • Mozilla Firefox 30+
Operating Systems
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)

Minimum: 32-bit, quad-core systems with 4-8GB of memory

Recommended: 64-bit, quad-core systems with 8-16GB of memory

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Rhythm (formerly StarTeam® Agile) planning and tracking solution for Agile software project management. Plan sprints, manage backlogs and track release progress while improving collaboration and team communication. Easily integrates with issue tracking, version control and requirements management tools.

Micro Focus Connect API

If a connector doesn’t yet exist for one of your tools, use the Micro Focus Connect API to create that connector quickly. Once plugged in, customize each connector using a mapping file so that your exact environment of public and private tools is fully supported.

Subversion Connector

Subversion Connector can be used with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize source code branches from Subversion to StarTeam.

VersionOne Connector

Use VersionOne Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize Sprints, Epics, backlog items, and defects from VersionOne into the Hub for visibility within Micro Focus tools. The sample configuration file provides an example of mapping the Agile assets in VersionOne with our Agile assets.

HP ALM Connector

HP Application Lifecycle Management Connector for Micro Focus Connect (HP ALM Connector) lets you synchronize HP ALM assets like Defects, Requirements, Tests, and Cycles with assets in our other Hub repositories and clients like StarTeam Agile. The zip file contains a readme file which describes how to configure the HP ALM Connector.

Jira Connector

Combine Jira Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize Jira items with the Hub for visibility within our tools. The sample configuration file provides an example of mapping Agile assets from Jira that can be viewed from Caliber® or StarTeam Agile.

Rally Connector

Combine Rally Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize sprints, stories, tasks and defects from Rally with our Hub for visibility within the tools. The sample configuration file provides an example of mapping the Agile assets in Rally with StarTeam Agile assets.

Email Connector

Use Email Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize email content with our Hub as versioned assets for visibility within Micro Focus tools. The sample configuration file provides an example of mapping emails into Concepts for Rio.

Excel Connector

The Excel connector is fully bidirectional. Within each Excel file there are different pieces that can be synced. Each tab/workbook represents a type for the Hub, each column in the workbook represents a field (property), and each row represents an asset.

Git Connector

Integrate Git Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize source code branches from Git to StarTeam.

TFS Connector

Use TFS Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize TFS work items with our hub for visibility within the tools' in body copy. The sample configuration file provides an example of mapping Agile assets in TFS with StarTeam Agile assets.

AccuRev Connector

Use the AccuRev Connector with Micro Focus Connect to synchronize AccuWork items with our Change Management (CM) Hub. The sample configuration file provides an example of mapping Agile assets in AccuWork with our Agile assets.

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