Mobile Device Security

Protect your business with mobile device security.

A considerable amount of your company's data likely lives in the mobile devices of your workforce. Company emails, sales, and customer lists, patient data, and more are becoming commonplace in the mobile world. Whether you're concerned about meeting compliance requirements or preventing a data breach of customer information, you need the ability to enforce security on your mobile fleet without impeding workforce productivity.

Mobile Management gives you the flexibility you need to rapidly secure your fleet, including:

  • Enforcing simple or sophisticated passwords
  • Device "time-out" to secure idle devices
  • Enforcing device encryption
  • Remote wipe (all or only company data)
  • Remote device disable
  • Reporting to help you see how secure your fleet is

This allows you to:

  • Define your own security. Security teams and CISOs can define security policies for mobile devices and ensure they are enforced. With Mobile Management, you can create and customize your own policy suites with the click of a mouse.
  • Know the status of "what's out there." Devices that could access your system shouldn't be a mystery. With Mobile Management, you can provision, track, and manage all the mobile devices in your organization. Detailed reporting can prove that devices are secure, track user-based changes to security settings, and show that administrative actions are taken in accordance with corporate policy.
  • Report on status. Mobile Management offers reports for all of your compliance, licensing, and management needs. You can even set alerts to automatically bring IT's attention to problems, violations or changes in security settings.
  • Work with the manufacturer's settings. Many mobile device security features are device dependent, meaning they are set by the manufacturer—and each manufacturer uses a different set of features. How do you manage that? With Mobile Management, you can enforce all the policies that are available on a given device, from enforcing password locks to data encryption and remote wipes for lost or stolen devices.