Hybrid Integrations

Blend Solutions Business Manager Platform-as-a-Service with on-premises or cloud-based IT ecosystems, including third-party services.

Integrate with your applications—no coding required

Solutions Business Manager Platform-as-a-Service seamlessly integrates with your existing IT ecosystem through a host of hybrid integration capabilities, whether on-premises or on the cloud. SSM on Demand provides you with options to make it easy to integrate with your applications, with no coding required.

  • REST
  • SOAP
  • JavaScript API
  • XML
  • JSoN
  • JMS

On-the-glass integrations

Most companies need to display data from their third-party systems of record, and they need to do so within simple, easy-to-use transaction forms. Micro Focus's innovative on-the-glass integration techniques enable just-in-time integrations that minimize data duplication between systems.

By simply specifying enough information to identify the data source or target in the external system, you can use the REST controls within Micro Focus forms to query and display information from these systems to your users. You can also easily embed contextual web pages within forms or drag-and-drop widgets such as:

  • Silverlight
  • Flash
  • Google Gadgets
  • WidgetBox
  • YouTube

For more complex integration requirements, a JavaScript API on the form supports GET and POST HTTP methods in XML or JSoN data formats.

Forms, reports, and dashboards in Micro Focus solutions can be embedded within any third-party portal or intranet site that is deployed on-premises or in the cloud. The pre-configured SharePoint Web Parts included in Micro Focus solutions allow for content to be seamlessly presented within SharePoint-powered sites.

System-to-system transactional integrations

SOAP and REST services make it easy to connect your existing systems with SSM on Demand. These can be triggered by user actions, process or data triggers, or by business rules.

Often systems integration involves more than what can be accomplished through a single service call. With SBM Platform-as-a-Service, you can visually design system workflows that can orchestrate multiple service calls and enable rule-based chaining of integrations.

The built-in features of Solutions Business Manager Platform-as-a-Service make it extremely fault-tolerant

  • Throttling
  • Queuing
  • Compensation capabilities
  • Synchronous or asynchronous invocation of integration flows

An innovative process-to-process gateway lets you integrate on-premises systems with Micro Focus cloud-based solutions at the transaction level without creating holes or tunnels in firewalls.

Third-party event management

Solutions Business Manager Platform-as-a-Service can accept events raised by third-party systems and trigger a variety of actions and integrations. Support for SOAP, REST, email, JMS queues, and XML feeds allow Micro Focus solutions to easily respond to any on-premises or cloud-based system. A built in scheduler also enable SBM to initiate actions on its own like starting an orchestration, running a script or sending a formatted E-mail.

Authentication, data import, and API support

Leverage a built-in SAML-based single sign-on server with hybrid authentication. Choose between the Micro Focus authentication system or your existing on-premises authentication—SBM Platform-as-a-Service supports either one.

Customers can easily import existing data and users into their solution using simple Excel formats with visual field mapping. For customers whose integration needs extend beyond these built-in integration capabilities, Micro Focus also publishes a comprehensive suite of SOAP- and REST-based APIs that allow customers to programmatically access almost any functionality in the solution.