Premium Support

我們的 Premium Support 選項可和您現有的維護支援方案完美配合,幫助您發揮 IT 投資最大效益。這些依項目付費的服務能幫您的 IT 人員減輕工作負載,讓他們能專心處理對您真正重要的事:拓展您的事業。有鑒於每個組織的需求不同,您可以根據企業的獨特需求量身訂製我們的服務。

歡迎選購 Premium Support 一個或多個服務項目,讓我們幫助您降低成本、管理複雜度並緩和風險:

Premium Support 工程師

Premium Support 工程師能為您解決問題,並幫助您落實積極主動的商務系統維護作業。能夠支援此類複雜系統的專才和人力資源可謂鳳毛麟角;而若您的解決方案是針對本身業務需求所量身打造,那更是難上加難。但請放心,我們擁有您所需要的解答。Premium Support 工程師擁有豐富的專業經驗,是您便利的單一連絡窗口,並且能夠:

  • 密切配合貴公司內部團隊作業,進而深入瞭解您的內部團隊狀況與技術環境
  • 積極主動,讓您的投資發揮更大效益
  • 幫助團隊應對不斷變化的市場需求並預防技術性的問題發生
  • 快速因應需求並設計出理想的解決方案,再棘手的問題也能迎刃而解
  • 協助您避免停機狀況,儘可能節省成本、縮短業務停擺時間

指定支援工程師 (ASE) 可提供初階的個人化支援,從問題的辨識到解決階段,一路提供妥善的管理。指定支援工程師在正常營業時間內提供電話諮詢服務。


專屬支援工程師 (DSE) 的主要業務活動是向貴企業提供服務及支援。他們能排解疑難雜症、主動執行維護工作、取用本公司資源解決問題,並且是在貴企業的現場進行作業。除了 DSE 以外,沒有其他人能提供更有效的支援服務。


主要支援工程師 (PSE) 能針對您的業務系統所面臨的問題提供解決之道,並主動代為維護。由於這些工程師專門服務少數客戶,因此可提供給您更多的服務時間,並與貴企業建立更為個人化的技術支援關係。主要支援工程師在一年間將定期實地造訪貴公司提供服務。此外,有的維護方案更提供 24 小時全年無休的緊急狀況電話協助。本公司的 PSE 分佈於各大主要城市及本公司營運辦公室附近,以便與客戶培養更密切的關係,同時又能就近動用本公司的支援基礎架構。

配屬方式 現場服務 回應時間 服務時段 服務客戶經理 狀態檢查 服務摘要報告
指定聯絡人 (最多 30 個件事件) 選配 1 小時 5 天 x 12 小時 選配 不適用
半專屬聯絡人 每年最多四天 30 分鐘 7 天 x 24 小時* 1 每季
完全專屬聯絡人 每週最多四天 15 分鐘 7 天 x 24 小時* 2 每季

* 服務時段依客戶的維護支援合約等級而定。ASE 雖僅提供 5 天 x 12 小時服務,但是若客戶擁有 7 天 x 24 小時維護方案,則由支援中心其他工程師提供 7 天 x 24 小時服務,再於營業時間將案件呈報 ASE 處理。


許多客戶均表示由客戶經理專人提供個人化服務的效益極高。您的服務客戶經理 (SAM) 會與貴企業建立密切的合作關係,深入掌握您的技術支援需求。服務客戶經理會代您出面統整、協調支援人員的業務,並盡可能以最快的速度解決重大問題。

當您需要提高問題層級時,SAM 即是您的聯絡窗口,確實為您迅速而滿意地解決問題並維持業務運作,讓各個系統恢復作業,也讓最終使用者能夠順利返回工作崗位。

SAM 不僅快速應對問題,亦主動協助規劃貴公司未來的技術專案、確立人員訓練的需求並提供其他各方面的協助。您的 SAM 並將舉辦定期會議或連線會議,檢討整體支援歷程。

在服務檢討會議上,您可以提出任何有關於支援服務的問題,而 SAM 則將協助解決問題。SAM 亦將根據支援服務歷程與您的意見反應,進一步觀察或推薦人員訓練機會、改善程序、檢查健全狀態、實地造訪或採取其他行動來幫助您強化業務。



註:所有套件有效期限均為 12 個月

Scheduled Standby

Undertaking system maintenance or implementing a new solution—making any system change at all, can be a high–risk operation. And even though these tasks are necessary, they are not your top priority. This work cannot interrupt the processes that drive your business. With Scheduled Standby, you can arrange for an experienced technical support engineer to be available at a specific time and date, outside of business hours, to be available while you perform system repairs, updates or maintenance.

With our Scheduled Standby service, you can receive access to a technical support expert for a 4-hour block of time. The engineer with the skills and expertise best suited to assist will be available at precisely the right time. Prior to your scheduled on-call support, you can arrange to talk to this expert to discuss your planned changes. During this time, the support engineer becomes familiar with your

system and offers advice on preparing for and implementing the system changes. Time spent with you before you make your changes will also prepare the support engineer to optimize assistance during the actual standby period, helping you prevent surprises and reduce time and costs.

Scheduled Standby comes with a 15-minute target response: at any time during your maintenance, you can contact your Scheduled Standby engineer and get the expert response you need within the allotted time. You'll make system changes with ease, and by the start of the next business day, have your systems up and running at optimal performance levels. (Availability varies per product).

Health Check

With tightening IT budgets, you want to get the most from your IT infrastructure. You understand it is more cost effective to optimize your existing systems than to redesign or replace them; and more proactive to maintain your systems than to respond to down-time. We can help. Take advantage of our Health Check service, a formal review and analysis of your environment. One or more highly experienced technical support engineers will review configuration, patch currency, and other factors to identify any problems or areas needing improvement. If you have concerns about certain areas, the Health Check team will assess them in particular depth.

After this analysis, the team will prepare a report for you that offers technical recommendations specific to your environment and business issues. The Health Check team designs its recommendations to help you improve your network manageability, which leads to enhanced performance. The report will include recommendations for enhancements, upgrades and configuration improvements. If you choose to transform your environment, we can work with you at every step. Our talented support engineers help smooth the way by eliminating implementation glitches and getting intimately acquainted with your systems and business. And after your solution is in place, you can continue to rely on us. We combine our unique knowledge of your business with a wide range of Premium Support options, from phone support to dedicated on-site resources.

On-Site Support

When the unexpected occurs, we can send an expert to help you bring your systems back online. On-Site Support delivers highly skilled and focused resources when you need them, without the cost of hiring or training staff. Our On-Site Support engineer can also work alongside your team during and directly following planned system changes. If your environment is complex, you may choose to purchase time with multiple engineers, each with a different area of expertise. In addition, all On-Site Support engineers have access to the expertise of our entire technical support organization and the latest product and troubleshooting information.

Your staff members will also learn best practices from our On–Site Support engineers, enabling them to quickly and efficiently solve future problems. You will be able to lower IT costs and heighten productivity throughout the department because you will reduce downtime and spend more time focused on strategic initiatives, ensuring you maintain a distinct advantage over your competitors. (Availability varies).

For solution design and large implementation projects, learn more about Micro Focus Consulting.

Note: All Packages expire in 12 months