8.4 View Details of a Role

When you view the details of a role, you can also modify the role’s settings and permissions.

  1. Click ADMIN > Roles > role_name.

  2. (Optional) Modify the user’s profile in one of the following ways:

8.4.1 Change Permissions for the Role

You can only assign permssions that you have yourself.

  1. While viewing a role, select Permissions.

  2. In the Permissions tab, select the permissions that you want to add or remove.

    You might need to scroll the page to see the full set of available permissions.

8.4.2 Add or Remove Users for the Role

You can add or remove multiple users in a role.

  1. While viewing a role, select Users.

  2. In the Users tab, select Assign Role to Users.

  3. Select the users that you want to assign to or remove from the role.

You can also add or remove roles for a specific user.

8.4.3 Delete the Role

While viewing a role, select Delete Role.

You can delete any role except the System Admin role.