4.8 Extend the Search with a Lookup List

Select Configuration > Lookup Lists.

You can create CSV files, or lookup lists, that enables the Search feature to create additional tables with different fields and store them in the database. You can add lookup list fields to fieldsets and use them in search queries.

4.8.1 Considerations for the Lookup List File

The CSV file for your lookup list must meet the following requirements:

  • The first row must be a comma-separated list of field names.

    The field names cannot exceed 40 characters. The names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. They must start with an alpha character.

  • The remaining rows must be comma-separated values for the fields in the first row.

  • All rows must contain the same number of values.

  • You must select one of the columns as the key field, and the values of the key field must be unique.

    The key field is the field that you can use with the in list operator in queries.

  • The file cannot exceed 25 fields and 2 million rows.

  • The file cannot exceed 150 MB.

4.8.2 Create a Lookup List

  1. Select Configuration > Lookup Lists.

  2. Select Add.

  3. Drag-and-drop your CSV file to the Lookup Lists page or select Browse to navigate to the file.

  4. Specify a name for the lookup list.

    Once created, you cannot change the name of the lookup list. The name must meet the following requirements:

    • Does not exceed 20 characters

    • Contains only alphanumeric characters and underscores

    • Starts with an alpha character

  5. Specify the key field, then either accept the recommended value type or specify a different one.

    The following are possible values:

    Value type





    A number whose radix point can be placed anywhere relative to the significant digits of the number


    Fully qualified domain name


    Integer value


    IPv4 address


    Ipv6 address


    MAC address

    short text

    Text that cannot exceed 1K of space

    long text

    Text that cannot exceed 4K of space


    Time stamp


    A URL address that cannot exceed 4K


    A string type

  6. To upload the file as a table in the database, select Upload.

4.8.3 Replace a Lookup List

Replacing the contents of a lookup list does not affect queries that use the original lookup list. You cannot change the name of a lookup list. The field names in the replacement file must match the field names in the original file.

  1. Select Configuration > Lookup Lists.

  2. Select the list you want to replace.

  3. Select Replace.

  4. Select the CSV file you want to use to replace the contents of the existing lookup list.

4.8.4 Delete a Lookup List

  1. Select Configuration > Lookup Lists.

  2. Select the list you want to delete.

  3. Select the Trash can icon.