9.1 Prerequisites

Before installing ESM for Fusion, complete the following tasks:

  • Review the Installation Checklist to understand the tasks involved for installing and configuring ESM for Fusion.

  • Download the ESM for Fusion installation files and verify the signatures. You need the following files to deploy ESM for Fusion in an existing cluster:

    • fusion-x.x.x.x

      You do not have to deploy the Fusion capability if ArcSight Recon or ArcSight Interset has already been deployed.

    • esm-x.x.x.x

    • (Optional) layered-analytics-x.x.x.x

      NOTE:To use this capability, you must deploy both ArcSight Interset and ESM for Fusion in the same cluster.

    • arcsight-installer-metadata-x.x.x.x.tar

  • Upgrade the existing cluster to the correct version of the ArcSight Suite in the CDF Management Portal to deploy the current version of ESM for Fusion.