2.0 Installation Checklist

As part of your planning process, we recommend that you perform the tasks in this checklist in the order listed below. To upgrade from a previous version of Fusion, see Section 17.0, Upgrading ESM for Fusion.

Checklist Items

  1. Review the description of the installation process.

    For more information, see Section 3.0, Understanding the Installation Process.

  1. Ensure that the computers, on which you are installing ESM for Fusion components, meet the specified hardware and software requirements.

    For more information, see the Technical Requirements for ArcSight Command Center for ESM.

  1. Review the ports required for the installed and connected components.

    For more information, see “Ports Used” in the Technical Requirements for ArcSight Command Center for ESM.

  1. Review the limitations and options associated with the installation.

    For more information, see Section 3.0, Understanding the Installation Process.

  1. (Conditional) If installing ESM and ESM for Fusion on the same node, add the ESM port to the firewall.

    For more information, see Section 5.0, Installing ESM for Fusion and ESM on the Same Node.

  1. Download the files for installing ESM for Fusion.

    For more information, see the Release Notes for ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager.

  1. (Conditional) Install or upgrade your ESM environment before deploying or upgrading ESM for Fusion.

    For more information, see the Installation Guide for ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager.

  1. (Conditional) If installing all components on a single system, run the preparation script.

    For more information, see Section 6.0, Preparing Your Environment.

  1. Log in to ESM for Fusion to create the first administrative user.

    For more information, see Section 11.0, Verifying the Installation.

  1. Enable users to access ESM for Fusion:

    • Add or import users and groups

    • Create roles

    • Assign permissions

    For more information, see the User Guide for Fusion, which is also the context-sensitive Help in the product.

  1. Create and share dashboards.

    For more information, see the User Guide for Fusion, which is also the context-sensitive Help in the product.