10.1 Add Dashboard Roles and Permissions to the User Management Pod

Applies only when you deploy ESM for Fusion to an existing cluster

When you deploy ESM for Fusion to an existing cluster, the User Management pod does not automatically incorporate the new roles and permissions for the Dashboard to the ADMIN function in the user interface. Without the default roles, not even an administrative user can view the Dashboard. Deleting (restarting) the User Management pod adds the roles and permissions.

To delete the User Management pod:

  1. Complete the ESM for Fusion deployment.

  2. Enter the following command:

    kubectl delete pod -n namespace management pod name

    For example:

    kubectl delete pod -n arcsight-installer-p2dlt hercules-management-7f876b4978-9xkl6

    When you delete any pod, the pod will start automatically.

  3. After the pod restarts, you can log in to the Dashboard.