1.2 Understanding the ESM for Fusion Components

The ESM for Fusion environment incorporates the following components:

1.2.1 Enterprise Security Manager

ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager serves as the primary data source for the the Dashboard and the Command Center console in ESM for Fusion.

1.2.2 Interset

Required if you want to use Layered Analytics

ArcSight Interset is an optional component that you can deploy for access to unsupervised machine learning and probabilistic risk assessments based on behavioral analytics from millions of events.

1.2.3 Data Sources

Provide data to ESM for Fusion for display in the Dashboard and Command Center dashboards and searches.

1.2.4 Fusion

Fusion provides the Dashboard, user management, single sign-on, and other core services that give the deployed components a unified solution experience. Most deployed components require Fusion.

1.2.5 Layered Analytics


Layered Analytics blends the analytics results from some of the capabilities deployed with ESM for Fusion, thus providing multiple layers of useful data that can lead to actionable insights. To use this capability, you must deploy both ArcSight Interset and ESM for Fusion in the same cluster.

1.2.6 Network File System (NFS)

NFS stores some of the persistent data generated by ESM for Fusion and ArcSight Interset. Container Deployment Foundation (CDF) requires an NFS server to maintain state information about the infrastructure and to store other pertinent data.