12.1 Understanding How ESM Users Access ESM for Fusion

Rather than manually adding users in ESM for Fusion, we recommend that you create the users in ESM then import them. For the imported ESM users to log in to ESM for Fusion and be able to access ESM data, the following conditions apply:

  • You must enable single sign-on (SSO) access for ESM and ESM for Fusion users.

  • Users must have an account in both ESM and ESM for Fusion.

  • You must configure the External User ID and E-mail fields in the ESM accounts to comply with the name@domain.com format.

  • Users must log in to ESM for Fusion with the External User ID from their ESM account.

  • If your environment does not use SAML 2 authentication, ensure that you have configured the SMTP server settings for ESM for Fusion. Users might need to set a password for ESM for Fusion the first time that they log in. This requires those users to initiate the “Forgot Password” function and receive an email notification.