C.2 Uninstalling Manually

You can choose to remove ESM for Fusion from the CDF, or uninstall the CDF.

C.2.1 Uninstalling ESM for Fusion

This section provides information about uninstalling ESM for Fusion manually.

  1. Log in to the CDF Management Portal.

  2. Click Deployment > Deployments.

  3. Click the icon of arcsight-installer.

  4. Click Uninstall.

C.2.2 Uninstalling the CDF

This section provides information about uninstalling the CDF manually. When you uninstall the CDF, you all remove all deployed capabilities, such as ESM for Fusion.

  1. Log in to the CDF master node.

  2. Change to the CDF installation directory using the following command.

    cd <k8s_home>

    For example:

    cd opt/arcsight/kubernetes

  3. Uninstall CDF using the following command:

    ./uninstall.sh -r false

  4. Reboot the server.