Use the Options - Workspace dialog box to specify verification behavior for the workspace. Among other tasks, you can:
tab of theOption | Source File | Description |
Allow implicit instream data | JCL | Specifies that a DD * statement be inserted before implicit instream data if the statement was omitted from JCL. |
Allow Keywords to be used as Identifiers | COBOL, Copybook | Enables the parser to recognize COBOL keywords used as identifiers. |
At Sign | System Definition File | Specifies the national language character for the at symbol. |
C/C++ Parser Parameters | C, C++ | Specifies the parameters used to compile the application. You can also specify these parameters in the Options - Project properties dialog, under the Verification tab, in which case the project parameters are used for verification. |
Create alternative entry point | COBOL | Specifies that an additional entry point be created with a name based on the conversion pattern you enter in the Conversion Pattern field. Supports systems in which load module names differ from program IDs. For assistance, contact support services. |
Cross reference report | TWS Schedule | Specifies the full path of the TWS cross reference report (.xrf). |
Currency Sign | System Definition File | Specifies the national language character for the currency symbol. |
Debugging Lines | COBOL | Specifies parsing of debugging lines:
Detect Potential Code Anomalies | COBOL | Enables generation of Interactive Analysis information on potential code anomalies. |
Enable Interactive Analysis | COBOL, Natural, PL/I, RPG, JCL | Enables generation of Interactive Analysis information. |
Enable extended ASCII characters in SQL identifiers | PL/I | Enable extended ASCII characters in SQL identifiers. Click More in the Embedded SQL group. This opens the Details dialog box. |
Enable Quoted SQL Identifiers | Assembler File, COBOL, DDL, PL/I | Enables the parser to recognize quoted SQL identifiers. Strings delimited by double quotation marks are interpreted as object identifiers. |
Enable Reference Reports | COBOL, Control Language, ECL, JCL, Natural, PL/I, RPG, W.L. | Enables generation of complete repository information for logical objects. |
Enter classpath to jar files and/or path to external Java file root directories | Java |
Specifies any combination of:
Note: You can also specify this parameter in the
Options - Project properties dialog, under the
Verification tab, Setting the project verification option effectively overrides the setting here.
Extralingual Characters | System Definition File | Adds the specified lowercase national language characters to the supported character set. Do not separate characters with a space. |
Extralingual Upper Characters | System Definition File | Adds the specified uppercase national language characters to the supported character set. Do not separate characters with a space. |
Generate program entry points for filename functions | C | Specifies that a program entry point be created for the function that has the same name as the file. Typically used to trace calls to C programs from COBOL, PL/I, Natural, RPG, or Assembler programs. |
Generate program entry points for main functions | C | Specifies that a program entry point be created for functions named "main". Typically used to trace calls to C programs from COBOL, PL/I, Natural, RPG, or Assembler programs. |
Ignore text after column 72 | DDL | Enables the parser to ignore trailing enumeration characters (columns 73 through 80) in source lines. |
Imply CMPAT=Yes | PSB | Specifies that CMPAT=Yes is assumed even if it has not been set in PSBGEN. When CMPAT=Yes is specified, it instructs IMS to generate an I/O PCB for all uses, even in environments where it is not used, such as batch or CICS. If you use this option, you will not need to recompile the program between batch and online executions. |
Import instream data from DSN | JCL | Imports data sets in HyperCode:
Note: This option can increase the verification time of JCL and also increase the size of the database.
JCL Variable Definitions | JCL | Use this to set global symbol definitions used during JCL parsing. This works in the same way as the SystemSymbols element
in the JCL section of
Legacy.xml file.
You can specify a Name=Value pair for each line. To add a new entry right-click in the JCL Variable Definitions field, and then click Add. Only lines with a checked box will be used in verification. Note: Do not specify the "&" character used in a symbol reference. For example, use
PRG not
&PRG as the name. Delimiters are not required around the values; all text after the "=", including any spaces, are treated as
the value.
In JCL files, a reference to &Name will be substituted with the available Value, unless there is a more local definition of that symbol name in the context of that reference. For example, a PROC statement might have a symbol definition that redefines the value of that symbol within the scope of that procedure. There is no special processing done based on the type of Value - values with spaces or digits are substituted in for the reference as they are specified in the option. |
Libraries support | Natural | Enables natural library support. See Natural Support for more information. |
List of Include Directories | C, C++ | Specifies the full path of the folders for include files, either original folders or Repository Browser folders if the include files were registered. Choose a recognized folder in the List of Include Directories pane. Add folders as necessary. You can also specify these folders in the Options - Project properties dialog in the Verification tab. In this case the parser looks only for the folders for the project. |
National Characters | PSB, DBD | Enables support for extended ASCII characters. |
Number Sign | System Definition File | Specifies the national language character for the number symbol. |
Perform Dead Code Analysis | COBOL, PL/I, RPG | Enables collection of dead code statistics. |
Perform DSN Calling Chains Analysis | Control Language, ECL, JCL, WFL | Enables analysis of dataset calling chains. |
Perform System Calls Analysis | JCL | Enables analysis of system program input data to determine the application program started in a job step. |
Relaxed Parsing | AS400 Screen, BMS, COBOL, Copybook, CSD, DDL, Device Description, DPS, ECL, MFS, Natural, Netron Specification Frame, PL/I | Enables relaxed parsing. |
Relaxed Parsing for Embedded Statements | Assembler File, COBOL, PL/I | Enables relaxed parsing for embedded SQL, CICS, or DLI statements. |
Resolve Decisions automatically | Control Language, WFL | Enables automatic decision resolution. |
Show Macro Generation | C, C++ | Specifies whether to display statements that derive from macro processing in Interactive Analysis. |
Sort Program Aliases | JCL | Enables batch sort card analysis. Choose a recognized sort utility in the Sort Program Aliases pane. Add sort utilities as necessary. |
SQL statements processor | COBOL | Specifies whether the SQL Preprocessor or Coprocessor was used to process embedded SQL statements. |
System Procedures | JCL | Specifies the system procedures referenced by JCL files. Add system procedures as necessary. |
Timeout in seconds to stop verification execution | All | Specifies the number of seconds to wait before stopping a stalled verification process. |
Trim date from active schedule names | TWS Schedule | Specifies whether to append the effective date range to a TWS jobstream object. |
Truncate names of absolute elements | ECL | Enables the parser to truncate suffixes in the names of COBOL programs called by ECL. Specify a suffix in the adjoining text box. |
Use Database Schema | Assembler File, COBOL, PL/I | Specifies whether to associate a program with a database schema. When this option is selected, the parser collects detailed
information about SQL ports that cannot be determined from program text (SELECT *). If the schema does not contain the items
the SQL statement refers to, an error is generated.
Use this option to associate a table, that does not include the schema name, when referenced in a program to a table that is prefixed by a schema name that is specified in a DDL file. |
Use Qualified Table Names | DDL | When unchecked, all table qualifiers from table names will be removed, if any. This can be useful when working with COBOL
programs with EXEC SQL statements with table names without qualifiers, which typically is the case. This will enable correct
When checked, table names with qualifiers will be processed as they appear in the DDL file. By default, this is unchecked. |
Workstation report | TWS Schedule | Specifies the full path of the TWS workstation report (.wdr). |