Data Express updates tables contained in the DB2
or Windows
Knowledge Base during product installation. This chapter provides a full description of the tables and columns.
ANDCHFLF Describes the ANDCHFLF table and columns.
ANENVDLS Describes the ANENVDLS table and columns.
ANURDLOG Describes the ANURDLOG table and columns.
ANURDRFC Describes the ANURDRFC table and columns.
ANURDSNC Describes the ANURDSNC table and columns.
ANURDSPE Describes the ANURDSPE table and columns.
ANURDSPN Describes the ANURDSPN table and columns.
ANURDSTR Describes the ANURDSTR table and columns.
DDDTMCOL Describes the DDDTMCOL table and columns.
DDDTMDEC Describes the DDDTMDEC table and columns.
DDDTMREF Describes the DDDTMREF table and columns.
DDDTMSTQ Describes the DDDTMSTQ table and columns.
DDDTMTAG Describes the DDDTMTAG table and columns.
HSDCHCLA Describes the HSDCHCLA table and columns.
HSDCHFIL Describes the HSDCHFIL table and columns.
HSDGNCOD Describes the HSDGNCOD table and columns.
HSDGNDIR Describes the HSDGNDIR tables and columns.
HSDGNDIZ Describes the HSDGNDIZ table and columns.
HSDGNFIL Describes the HSDGNFIL table and columns.
HSDGNFLT Describes the HSDGNFLT table and columns.
HSDGNLAW Describes the HSDGNLAW tables and columns.
HSENVELB Describes the HSENVELB table and columns.
HSENVEXT Describes the HSENVEXT table and columns.
HSENVFLT Describes the HSENVFLT table and columns.
HSENVGRP Describes the HSENVGRP table and columns.
HSENVLMT The HSENVLMT table is used for storing the cardinality limit of records produced during the subsetting process. It is populated
when using Work with Method and Work with Company phases:
HSENVMTH Describes the HSENVMTH table and columns.
HSENVPAR Describes the HSENVPAR table and columns.
HSENVPRN Describes the HSENVPRN table and columns.
HSENVRRD Describes the HSENVRRD table and columns.
HSENVRRH Describes the HSENVRRH table and columns.
HSENVSEQ Describes the HSENVSEQ table and columns.
HSENVSTP Describes the HSENVSTP table and columns.
HSLICCHG Describes the HSLICCHG table and columns.
HSLICFIL Describes the HSLICFIL table and columns.
HSLICFLD Describes the HSLICFLD table and columns.
HSLICFTF Describes the HSLICFTF table and columns.
HSLICLID Describes the HSLICLID table and columns.
HSLICSCD Describes the HSLICSCD table and columns.
HSLICSTR Describes the HSLICSTR table and columns.
HSLOGTAB Describes the HSLOGTAB table and columns.
HSSYSAUX Describes the HSSYSAUX table and columns.
HSSYSCKS Describes the HSSYSCKS table and columns.
HSSYSCOL Describes the HSSYSCOL table and columns.
HSSYSDAU Describes the HSSYSDAU table and columns.
HSSYSDBA Describes the HSSYSDBA table and columns.
HSSYSDEP Describes the HSSYSDEP table and columns.
HSSYSFKE Describes the HSSYSFKE table and columns.
HSSYSIND Describes the HSSYSIND table and columns.
HSSYSIPA Describes the HSSYSIPA table and columns.
HSSYSKEY Describes the HSSYSKEY table and columns.
HSSYSRAU Describes the HSSYSRAU table and columns.
HSSYSREL Describes the HSSYSREL table and columns.
HSSYSSYN Describes the HSSYSSYN table and columns.
HSSYSTAB Describes the HSSYSTAB table and columns.
HSSYSTAU Describes the HSSYSTAU table and columns.
HSSYSTPA Describes the HSSYSTPA table and columns.
HSSYSTSP Describes the HSSYSTSP table and columns.
HSSYSVDE Describes the HSSYSVDE table and columns.