The HSURDCOL table is used for SYSCOLUMNS views. The following table describes the columns in the HSURDCOL table:
Column | Type | Length | Decimal | Domain |
NAME | CHARACTER | 128 | 0 | field name |
TBNAME | CHARACTER | 128 | 0 | table name |
TBCREATOR | CHARACTER | 128 | 0 | owner of the table |
COLNO | BINARY | 4 | 0 | number of column |
COLTYPE | CHARACTER | 8 | 0 | field type |
LENGTH | BINARY | 4 | 0 | field length |
SCALE | BINARY | 4 | 0 | field scale |
NULLS | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | null flag |
REMARKS | CHARACTER | 762 | 0 | field description |
HIDDEN | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | hidden column (for internal use only) |