Tutorial: Data Tools

This tutorial provides an overview of the Data Tools product, utilizing both components: the file service API and the Record Editor. It covers how to use the file service to connect to a remote data server, access a data file, and make multiple changes to a file in the editor.


This tutorial is written from the perspective that all of the following is true. Specific instructions for setting up your environment to adhere to these assumptions is found in the Before you begin this tutorial section that follows:

  • You have successfully created the BANKDEMO server following the steps in the tutorial Getting started with Enterprise Developer for Eclipse. This tutorial requires the BANKDEMO enterprise server region. If you have not set up the BANKDEMO server as described in the Getting started tutorial, go back and work through it. The tutorial is accessible here: https://github.com/MicroFocus/BankDemo.
  • You have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 17 or later installed on your machine. This is required to run the editor.
  • You have unzipped the Data Tools utility, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\installer\files\com.microfocus.datatools-win32.win32.x86_64.zip. You can unzip the files to a location of your choice, but this tutorial assumes you have extracted the files to the default location.
  • The location of the JDK in the file datatools.ini, located within C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\installer\files\com.microfocus.datatools-win32.win32.x86_64, is correct.
  • Default Enterprise Server security is enabled, and you have a user ID and password with sufficient permissions. You will be prompted to enter these credentials when you interact with ESCWA, with regions in a browser, and in the Server Explorer view. See After Installing > Enterprise Server Security Considerations for how to configure security and determine your credentials.
  • Windows File Explorer is set to show file names and extensions.
  • You are running the latest version of Enterprise Developer, which has been installed on your local machine using default installation settings.
  • You have addressed all of the items in the Before you begin this tutorial section below.

Before you begin this tutorial

Set Windows File Explorer options
These tutorials assume that your Windows File Explorer options are set to use the Details layout, and to show file name extensions. See your Windows documentation for more information.
Verify the JRE Path
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\installer\files\com.microfocus.datatools-win32.win32.x86_64.zip and unzip the folder. Open the file datatools.ini which is located in the folder com.microfocus.datatools-win32.win32.x86_64.zip and verify that the contents of the file specifies the correct location of the JRE on your machine. For example, the default path is:
C:/Program Files(x86)/Micro Focus/Enterprise Developer/AdoptOpenJDK/bin
Verify Enterprise Server Security Credentials
By default, Enterprise Server security functionality provided by the VSAM External Security Manager (VSAM ESM) module is enabled. The installation generates a random password for the system administrator account, SYSAD. Retrieve these credentials from an Enterprise Developer command prompt by entering the following:
mfsecretsadmin read microfocus/temp/admin
Take note of the automatically generated password as you will be prompted to enter these credentials when you interact with ESCWA and the Server Explorer view. See Enterprise Server Security Considerations for more information.


To complete this tutorial, progress through these topics in the order presented here. The bottom of each topic provides Next topic and Previous topic navigational links to help you proceed in the proper sequence: