Data Tools

Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Program (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products if you require further clarification.

Data Tools combines the functionality of the previous generations of the Data File Tools products with further enhancements that make it suitable for working with remote catalogued datasets. Data Tools is comprised of two components: the REST-based file service API and the Record Editor client. The file service handles the file requests while maintaining security and synchronization and the client provides the UI for editing records. The two components work together such that a user only needs to set up the remote data server and then they can interact with the editor to open, edit and save data files, while the service handles all of the requests.

The file service API is supported on all Enterprise products in Windows and UNIX platforms. This includes:

The Record Editor is available with development products in the Enterprise suite in Windows and UNIX. The editor is an Eclipse-based RCP application. You do not need to have an Eclipse IDE installed on your machine to run the editor.