The gateway configuration file (by default, named gateway.conf) is specified in the gateway service's properties.
In the following example configuration file, comments (the lines prefixed //) are included that correspond with the options on the properties dialog box; however, comments are not allowed in your actual configuration file. Configuration entries are case sensitive.
{ // AcuConnect host "acurcl": '', // AcuConnect port "acurcl_port": 5632, // TCP Port "tcp_port": 8008, // Public Root Directory "public_root_dir": "./Web", // Web Server Port "webserver_port": 3000, // File Cache Directory "./cache", // Log filename "logfile": "./log/atw_gateway.log", // Max Packet Size "MAX_PKG_SIZE": 64000, // Log Level (1,2,4,or 8) "LOG_LEVEL": 1, //Request Username/Password Always (0=false, 1=true) "authorized_access" : 0, //Handshake timeout (units: seconds) "handshake_timeout" : 3, // Enables WebSocket compression (if supported) "ws_compression" : 1, //Themes "customize_css" : { "" : "./defaultCustomCss.css", "fx" : "./ThemeFX.css" }, //Use SSL "use_ssl" : 0, //SSL Key File "ssl_key_file" : "", //SSL Certification File "ssl_crt_file" : "" }