18.1 About Target Discovery

PlateSpin Migrate Web Interface and PlateSpin Migrate Client provide automated discovery and inventory of supported target host platforms. See Table 8-1 for an overview of the target host discovery capabilities of each tool.

Table 18-1 Supported Target Host Discovery Capabilities

Target Host Discovery

Migrate Client

Web Interface

Cloud Targets

Amazon Web Services (Cloud Region)

Microsoft Azure (Cloud Location)

VMware vCloud Director (Organization)

VMware Targets

VMware DRS Cluster (A vCenter Cluster is the target; any available node might be used for the VM.)

VMware DRS Cluster as Hosts (Each VMware ESX host in a vCenter Cluster is a potential target.)

VMware DRS Clusters hosted on VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware ESX Server

Other Targets

Microsoft Hyper-V virtual host

Linux KVM virtual host

Physical host

Discovery Capabilities

An individual host server

Multiple virtual host servers at a time

All hosts in a domain

Refresh Target Discovery

You can view discovered target platforms in the Targets list in either tool:

  • Web Interface: The Targets list includes:

    • All cloud hosts and VMware hosts discovered using the Web Interface

    • All VMware hosts in the default network discovered using Migrate Client

      NOTE:Use the Web Interface to discover target cloud hosts and VMware hosts in non-default networks if you plan to use the Web Interface for migrations to those locations.

    All target hosts displayed in the Web Interface Targets list are supported as migration targets using the Web Interface. See Table 18-1, Supported Target Host Discovery Capabilities.

  • Migrate Client: The Targets list includes:

    • All the discovered VMware target hosts, no matter where you initiated discovery.

    • All Hyper-V hosts discovered using Migrate Client

For information about the target hosts that the Web interface and the Migrate Client supports, see Table 18-1, Supported Target Host Discovery Capabilities.