18.8 Refreshing Target Host Details

You should routinely refresh details about your target platforms before setting up or executing a migration job.

18.8.1 Refresh Target Details in the Web Interface

PlateSpin Migrate Web Interface enables you to refresh the discovered resources for virtual and cloud target platforms:

  • Amazon Cloud Region

  • Microsoft Azure Location

  • VMware DRS Cluster hosted on VMware Cloud on AWS

  • VMware DRS Cluster

  • VMware DRS Cluster as Hosts

  • VMware ESX Server

  • VMware vCloud Organization

When you refresh the target, its associated resources are automatically rediscovered and updated. You can refresh one target platform at a time.

To refresh details for a target platform:

  1. In the PlateSpin Migrate Web Interface, click Targets.

  2. Select a target.

  3. Click Refresh.

  4. Expand the panels for the associated resources to view the changes.

18.8.2 Refresh Target Details in Migrate Client

Migrate Client allows you to refresh target details for platforms discovered using the Migrate Client:

  • VMware ESX servers

  • Microsoft Hyper-V virtual hosts

To refresh target details:

  1. In the Servers view, right-click the required item, then select Refresh Details.

  2. Specify the credentials appropriate for the system being refreshed, then click Refresh.

    PlateSpin Migrate starts a discovery job, which you can monitor in the Jobs view.