6.1 About Global Options for Connectors

Migrate Connector settings in System Configuration controls the default workflow for automated migrations used by each PlateSpin Migrate Connector.

NOTE:You must restart each instance of PlateSpin Migrate Connector after you modify global options in order to apply the changes.

6.1.1 General Settings

Missed Event Poll Interval

Specify the number of seconds between polls for workload migration events.

The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). A lower value puts more stress on your PTM server and Migrate servers.

Reconnect Retry Interval

Specify the number of seconds to wait after a connection fails to a PlateSpin Migrate server before the PTM Server tries to reconnect.

The default value is 1500 seconds (25 minutes).

Pause for Manual Pre-Cutover Testing

Specify whether to pause the Transformation Workflow in a Transforming / Incremental Replication state until the Migrate user manually triggers Pre-Cutover Testing.

The default is to disable manual pre-cutover testing.

Pause for Manual Post-Cutover Testing

Specify whether to pause the Transformation Workflow in a Cutover / Waiting for User state until the Migrate user manually triggers Post-Cutover Testing.

The default is to disable manual post-cutover testing.

6.1.2 Migrate Server Settings

Add Workload to Migrate

Specify the number of days before the start date to add the workload migration job to an auto-assigned PlateSpin Migrate server.

This option is disabled by default with a value of 0 (zero). When you submit a transformation plan, the Migrate Connector immediately auto-assigns a Migrate server, adds a workload migration job, then waits until the start date to execute the migration. The job consumes capacity and a Migrate license while it waits for start date. Consuming capacity before it is needed might block migration of workloads with earlier start dates.

Set a value of 1 or greater to enable automation control to wait until the specified pre-start-date interval to begin the preparation for migration. You can submit the workload transformation plans as they are ready without immediately consuming capacity or a license on a Migrate server.

Maximum Workloads

Specify the maximum number of workloads to allow for a PlateSpin Migrate server at a time.

The default value is 100.

NOTE:Capacity to add more workloads can be regained by doing the following:

  • Wait until a pre-start-date interval before the start date to add the workload to a Migrate server.

  • Remove the workload information after a successful cutover.

Maximum Targets

Specify the maximum number of discovered targets for a PlateSpin Migrate server.

The default value is 27.

Pre-Cutover Testing Days

Specify the maximum number of before cutover to begin automated pre-cutover testing.

The default value is 3 days.

Verify SSL Certificate

Specify whether to enable the validation of SSL certificates for connections to the PlateSpin Migrate servers.

The default is to disable certificate validation. Select the check box to enable it.

Remove Workload After Cutover

Specify whether to clean up the workload information from the PlateSpin Migrate servers after a cutover completes.

The default is enabled. Deselect the check box to disable it.

Remove after (days)

Specify the number of days after a workload is cut over to clean up the workload information from the PlateSpin Migrate server.

The default value is 3 days.

6.1.3 Customer-Provided Scripts

Run Custom Import Script

Specify whether to automatically execute the Custom Import callout script after initial workload discovery.

The default is disabled.

Run Submit Validation Script

Specify whether to automatically execute the Submit Validation callout script before adding the workload to Migrate.

The default is disabled.

Run Pre-Cutover Testing Script

Specify whether to automatically execute the Pre-Cutover Testing callout script after workload replication.

The default is disabled.

Run Post-Cutover Testing Script

Specify whether to automatically execute the Post-Cutover Testing callout script after workload cutover.

The default is disabled.

Sample Custom Callout scripts are available on the PTM Appliance in the /opt/microfocus/migrate_connector/custom_callouts/ folder.

When it first compiles Custom Callout scripts, PTM reports any discovered coding errors as sub-states for the workload in the Workloads list and Workload dialog. Pause over the error sub-state to view additional debugging information as a tooltip. Scripts that fail for coding or validation failure reasons can be retried. A script success must occur before the migration workflow can proceed. PTM forces a reload of Custom Scripts each time they are run to ensure the most recent code changes are applied.