PVCS Version Manager
Readme File: Installation Information

The readme contains information, not included in the manuals or online help, on installing and using the current release of Version Manager. Additional information is available in the Knowledgebase.

The Version Manager readme consists of the following files:

This readme file is organized into distinct parts. Please read the parts that correspond to the Version Manager components that you are using.

Table of Contents

Part 1: System Requirements
Part 2: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, File Server, and PCLI
Part 3: Version Manager IDE Client
Part 4: Version Manager Web Client
Part 5: Version Manager WebDAV Server
Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support


Part 1: System Requirements

1.0 Platform Matrix

2.0 System Requirements

2.1 Java Heap Size

2.2 Server Requirements

3.0 Licensing

4.0 In-place Upgrade from PVCS VM 8.6.0 or newer

5.0 PVCS VM 8.7.0 File Server Access from pre- clients

6.0 Windows Notes

6.1 IIS Configuration Step

6.2 Windows Service Account

7.0 UNIX/Linux Notes

7.1 Apache HTTP Server Modules

7.2 Additional Space Requirements During Installation

7.3 Required Linux / UNIX Operating System Modules and Patches

8.0 CAC Authentication Client: ActivIdentity ActivClient

9.0 Solutions Business Mashups

10.0 Apache Tomcat


Part 2: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, File Server, and PCLI

11.0 Installation

11.1 Review the Installation Guide

11.2 LDAP & SSL

11.3 Network/Workstation Installation

11.4 Windows Installation


Part 3: Version Manager IDE Client

12.0 Supported Software

12.1 Eclipse Rich Integration on Linux: Active Issues and IDE Folder View Does Not Work with NT Authentication

12.2 Eclipse Rich Integration & Single Sign On (SSO)

13.0 Installation

13.1 Review the Installation Guide

13.2 You Must Uninstall the Previous IDE Client Before You Upgrade

13.3 Eclipse: Plug-In Sometimes Fails to Initialize After Version Manager Installation


Part 4: Version Manager Web Client

14.0 Installation

14.1 Review the Installation Guide

14.2 Do Not Use a UNC Path to Install the Version Manager Application Server, File Server, or Web Server on Windows

14.3 Large Temporary Web Server Installation File on the Client Machine Resulting from Web Client Installation


Part 5: Version Manager WebDAV Server

15.0 Installation

15.1 Review the Installation Guide


Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support

16.0 Support

16.1 Support Information

16.2 Virtual Environment Support

17.0 Notice Regarding Third Party Software


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Part 1: System Requirements

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1.0 Platform Matrix

The platform matrix is available online:


2.0 System Requirements

2.1 Java Heap Size

Large projects can exceed the memory allocated for Java in a variety of situations and with a variety of Version Manager interfaces. See "Out of Memory Error" or General Failure Operating on Large Projects in the Usage Cautions readme (usage_cautions.html) for information on setting the Java Heap Size for Version Manager clients.

The default heapsize for the server is 2048 MB.

2.2 Server Requirements

Memory requirements for the server depend on how many users access the server at the same time, how many daemon processes are running (by default, 5 to 20 daemons are running), and the number of files in project databases that have been opened. Use the formula in the table below to calculate your memory needs.

Server Systems
  Base Concurrent Users Daemons Files Total
Formula 1080 MB + 6 MB per user + 12 MB per daemon + 1 KB per file = ?
Example 1080 MB 6 x 100 = 600 MB 12 x 20 = 240 MB 100000 / 1024 = 97 MB = 2017 MB

NOTE: The example is for the case of 100 concurrent users, 20 daemon processes and 100000 files. It is included only to illustrate the use of the formula and is not intended as a recommendation.

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3.0 Licensing

Version Manager 8.7 requires APLS (Auto-Pass License Server) version 24.1 or newer. See KB doc KM000005202: How to generate a license for AutoPass License Server (APLS)

If no APLS server is running at the time of installation, chose Evaluation Mode to enable a 30-day grace period to install APLS and migrate your licenses. Once APLS is installed, use ChangeLicenseServer.exe (Windows) or vmreg (Linux/UNIX) to point Version Manager to the new license server.

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4.0 In-place Upgrade from PVCS VM 8.6.0 or newer

For information on the in-place upgrade process, see KB doc KM000028955: How to perform an in-place upgrade of PVCS VM 8.6.x to VM 8.7.

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5.0 PVCS VM 8.7.0 File Server Access from pre- clients

Starting with the VM patch, significant security enhancements affecting PVCS VM File Server Path Map Security have been implemented.

Path Map Security forces clients to authenticate with the PVCS VM File Server, beyond Project Database security, and is used to lock down low-level file access. (For more information, see page 45 in the attachment on KB doc S126695: Using the File Server to Enhance Performance and Security with Version Manager 8.x.)

If the File Server is configured to use Path Map Security, those Path Maps can no longer be accessed by pre-VM clients unless Enhanced Path Map Security has been disabled.

For more information, see KB doc KM000021414: PVCS VM Enhanced Path Map Security.

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6.0 Windows Notes

6.1 IIS Configuration Step

To optionally access Version Manager via the Internet Information Server (IIS), use IIS 8 or higher and see chapter "Configuring Microsoft IIS Web Servers" in the PVCS Version Manager Administrator’s Guide.

For additional information, see KB doc S143266: VM 8.6.1+: How to integrate the PVCS Version Manager Web Application Server with IIS

6.2 Windows Service Account

If you are running the PVCS Version Manager Web Application Server and are performing an upgrade from VM 8.6.0, please take note of the Log On account that is used to run the service.

See In-place Upgrade from PVCS VM 8.6.0 or newer

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7.0 UNIX/Linux Notes

7.1 Apache HTTP Server Modules

To optionally access Version Manager via the Apache HTTP Server, that server must include the following modules:

These modules typically are part of the standard Apache HTTP Server package. Module files end in the shared library extension for the Operating System. An example for Linux is /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_proxy.so.

7.2 Additional Space Requirements During Installation

Installation of Version Manager on Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX uses a significant amount of space in the directory specified by $TMP (this data sticks around until you delete it), and temporarily places a significant amount of data in the VM_Install_Dir/VMverNum_inst directory (where verNum is the version number of the Version Manager release).

7.3 Required Linux / UNIX Operating System Modules and Patches

Linux and UNIX platforms may require additional modules or patches before they will run Version Manager. See KB doc S124060 for a list of Operating System patches and pre-installed package requirements for UNIX & Linux.

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8.0 CAC Authentication Client: ActivIdentity ActivClient

Version Manager 64-bit requires the use of the 64-bit version of ActiveClient. When using the SCC IDE integration, Version Manager runs in 32-bit mode (as SCC itself is 32-bit only), requiring the use of the 32-bit components of ActivClient as well. These typically get installed automatically when installing the 64-bit version of ActivClient.

In the file VM_Install_Dir\vm\common\pvcsprop\pvcs\vm\sso\card.config, the directive library64 should point to the 64-bit version of acpkcs211.dll and the directive library32 should point to the 32-bit version of this library (see KB doc S138646). If ActivClient is installed at the time Version Manager is installed, the paths to these libraries will automatically be added to card.config.

ActivClient 7 is supported as of version

On Linux, ActiveClient 3.0 is supported.

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9.0 Solutions Business Mashups

Version Manager integrates with SBM 10.1.x, SBM 11.x and SBM 12.x

As of PVCS VM 8.6.0, the Source Bridge integration for the Version Manager Desktop Client GUI and SCC IDE integrations can be installed from the Version Manager installer by selecting the component SourceBridge.

Do not use the legacy SourceBridge installer that ships with SBM. This is intended for Version Manager 8.5.3 and older.

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10.0 Apache Tomcat

Version Manager installs a private copy of Apache Tomcat in support of the Version Manager File Server, VM I-Net Web Client Server, WebDAV Server, and SSO authentication server. This installation of Tomcat is designed to work with Version Manager. Version Manager will not work with a generic Tomcat installation. If you have other Tomcat installations, you should ensure that they are not using the same ports (8005, 8009, 8080, 8090, 8443, and 8444).

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Part 2: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, File Server, and PCLI

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11.0 Installation

11.1 Review the Installation Guide

Before attempting to install Version Manager, review the PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide for general information as well as specific scenarios that may apply to you.

11.2 LDAP & SSL

If your LDAP server is configured to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) but there is not a certificate database in the VM_Install_Dir/vm/common/bin/OS directory or the database is missing the required SSL certificates, you will receive errors, such as:

"Failed to connect to LDAP server."
"You cannot access this project because your login account, UserName, is invalid ..."

See LDAP Connection/Authentication Fails in the Usage_Cautions.html readme file.

11.3 Network/Workstation Installation

11.3.1 Installation Using a UNC Path Name with Directory Names Longer Than Eight Characters

If you want to install to a server using a path name that contains any directory names longer than eight characters, you may first need to map a network drive to that location and use the drive mapping to install Version Manager. If you do not use a drive mapping, an error message may appear stating that the path to the setup executable is invalid.

To prevent errors when installing or working from a network installation of Version Manager, make sure network path names do not contain directory names longer than eight characters.

11.4 Windows Installation

11.4.1 Do Not Use a UNC Path to Install the Version Manager Application Server, File Server, or Web Server on Windows

This is not a supported configuration.

11.4.2 Installation to Root of a UNC Share Shows Space Required as Zero

When you install to the root of a UNC share, the installer indicates that zero space is required. The installer shows the required space correctly if you select a directory on the share. In either case, Version Manager will be correctly installed--provided you actually have enough disk space on the share.

11.4.3 Version Manager Installation Fails Without Adequate Disk Space on Root Drive

To successfully install Version Manager, you need sufficient hard disk space on the drive containing Windows (~950 MB). If you delete temporary files created during installation, you will not need this amount of space once Version Manager is installed.


Part 3: Version Manager IDE Client

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12.0 Supported Software

12.1 Eclipse Rich Integration on Linux: Active Issues and IDE Folder View Does Not Work with NT Authentication

The Linux version of the rich integration to Eclipse does not work correctly if the SBM server is using NTLM authentication. One can still submit issues, but no issues are visible via the Active Issues or IDE Folder view.

To avoid this issue, do not to use NTLM authentication when the integration clients are on a non-windows platform. If you must use NTLM, set up an external virtual directory on the SBM/IIS server.

12.2 Eclipse Rich Integration & Single Sign On (SSO)

To use the SSO login source, the JDK used by Eclipse RIDE needs to be Java 8-based. Upgrade the JDK as needed.

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13.0 Installation

13.1 Review the Installation Guide

Before attempting to install Version Manager, review the PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide for general information as well as specific scenarios that may apply to you.

13.2 You Must Uninstall the Previous IDE Client Before You Upgrade

To use a new version of the Version Manager IDE client, you must uninstall any previous version of the IDE client on your system before installing the new version. If you wish to use an older version of the IDE client once the new version is installed, you must uninstall it before installing the older software.

13.3 Eclipse: Plug-In Sometimes Fails to Initialize After Version Manager Installation

Workaround: Reboot to update your system's path information.


Part 4: Version Manager Web Client


14.0 Installation

14.1 Review the Installation Guide

Before attempting to install Version Manager, review the PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide for general information as well as specific scenarios that may apply to you.

14.2 Do Not Use a UNC Path to Install the Version Manager Application Server, File Server, or Web Server on Windows

This is not a supported configuration.

14.3 Large Temporary Web Server Installation File on the Client Machine Resulting from Web Client Installation

Once installation of the Version Manager Web Client is complete, you can delete the PVCS Version Manager MSI file if disk space is a consideration. The file is typically located in a folder named "C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations".

After you delete the file, you can still use Add/Remove Programs to modify or remove Version Manager.


Part 5: Version Manager WebDAV Server

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15.0 Installation

15.1 Review the Installation Guide

Before attempting to install Version Manager, review the PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide for general information as well as specific scenarios that may apply to you.

Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support

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16.0 Support

16.1 Support Information

To obtain product support, log into portal.microfocus.com.

16.2 Virtual Environment Support

Micro Focus recognizes that virtualization technology provides significant utility and value to our customers. As such, Micro Focus conducts functional testing and certifies our products using virtualization technology in addition to native environments. While Micro Focus expects that our products will function properly when running on supported platforms in a virtualized environment as well as a native environment, there may be functional and performance limitations. Micro Focus will not require that customers recreate and troubleshoot every issue in a non-virtualized environment, however there may be circumstances in which such action may be required. Micro Focus will only make this request when there is reason to believe that the virtualized environment is a contributing factor to the issue. If the issue cannot be reproduced in a supported non-virtualized environment, customers will need to refer their issues to their virtualization vendor.

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17.0 Notice Regarding Third Party Software

The license information for Third Party components used by and distributed with PVCS Version Manager can be found in the PVCS installation directory.

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End Readme
Copyright © 2003–2024 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.