PVCS Version Manager
Readme File: Known Issues

The readme contains information, not included in the manuals or online help, on installing and using the current release of Version Manager. Additional information is available in the Knowledgebase.

The Version Manager readme consists of the following files:

This readme file is organized into distinct parts. Please read the parts that correspond to the Version Manager components you are using.

Table of Contents

Part 1: General
Part 2: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, and PCLI
Part 3: Version Manager IDE Client
Part 4: Version Manager Web Client
Part 5: Version Manager WebDAV Server
Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support


Part 1: General

1.0 Known Windows and Linux/UNIX Issues

1.1 The 64-bit Release of Version Manager breaks when it is installed to "C:\Program Files" [DEF298504]

1.2 File Server client can no longer communicate with File Server using an IIS proxy [OCTCR17AA1652141]

1.3 SSO CAC (SmartCard) communication fails when connecting to pre-VM SSO server [OCTCR17AA1675198]

1.4 PVCS Version Managager Server Admin utility has the wrong name on Linux/UNIX [OCTCR17AA1675199]

1.5 LDAP & SSL: "Failed to connect to LDAP server" [ENH09231; DEF113674]

1.6 File Server Does Not Resolve Paths to Event Trigger or Custom Tool Definition Files [SCR 14206]


Part 2: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, and PCLI

2.0 Known Windows and Linux/UNIX Issues

2.1 CLI: Help (‑h) Output Incorrectly Displays All Options in Uppercase Letters [SCR14691; SCR14704]

2.2 "Check Tip Against Version/Revision" Fails If Default Version Is Set [SCR 14749]

2.3 Lowest-Level Promotion Group Does Not Appear in the Checkout Dialog Box [DEF78383]

2.4 SSO/CAC Error : Invalid SSO token, validation result: 40

3.0 Known Windows Issues

3.1 File Server Expects a Configuration File to Have a ".cfg" Extension

3.2 Using Certain High ASCII Characters (č, ě, ř) in Version Labels [DEF81214]

3.3 Commands Display English Rather than Internationalized Strings [TSK15780]

3.4 Windows Systems using User Account Control (UAC): Run as administrator

4.0 Known UNIX Issues

4.1 VTRANSFER -r: Attempting to Change the Case of a File Name on a Case-Insensitive File Server Fails to Rename the Archive [DEF74812]

4.2 Full Path to Helper Applications Sometimes Required

4.3 Disable Font Substitution in Exceed or other X Servers [DEF38783; TSK05722]

4.4 Linux: "Open Server Configuration File" Dialog Box Displays Empty Drop-Down List [SDF08089; DEF105837]

5.0 Known PCLI Issues

5.1 Spaces Not Supported in a Variable Index

5.2 Wildcard Characters Do Not Work at the Top Level of Workspace Paths

5.3 CTRL+D/CTRL+Z Cannot Be Used to End Descriptions

6.0 Conversion Utility for SourceSafe

6.1 General


Part 3: Version Manager IDE Client

7.0 Known Issues in SCC IDEs

7.1 SCC plugin is missing in VS2022

7.2 Source Bridge: "Failed to Initialize..." [DEF78056]

7.3 Pulse: Displays "pvcs.vm.param.LogInfo" Messages

7.4 RAD and Power Builder: javaw.exe, eclipse.exe, pclioutproc.exe Processes Do Not End After closing the Version Manager SCC Interface [TSK11696]

7.5 Visual Basic: Prompts for Confirmation of Check-In Location

7.6 Workfile Location Options Are Available for Getting Projects

8.0 Known Issues in Eclipse Rich Integration (RIDE)

8.1 Projects added to PVCS source control will lose binding after upgrade to PVCS Version Manager 8.7

8.2 "Resource Key" Errors

8.3 Copy All Changes Toolbar Button Not Working [DEF77682]

8.4 "Out of Memory Error" or General Failure Operating on Large Projects [TSK04216]

8.5 Eclipse C++: Error on Import of Java Project [DEF222404]

9.0 Known Issues in Visual Studio Rich Integration (RIDE)

9.1 Solutions added to PVCS source control will lose binding after upgrade to PVCS Version Manager 8.7

9.2 Visual Studio Rich Integration does not support project type 'LightSwitch'


Part 4: Version Manager Web Client

10.0 Known Issues

10.1 Do Not Simultaneously Access Multiple Projects / Project Databases on the Same Server [TSK15261; DEF184743; DEF144905]

10.2 Refreshing Content Pane after Viewing Revision

10.3 UNIX: Add Workfiles Directory Browsing Is Sometimes Disabled [DEF72497]

10.4 IO Error Messages Occur When the Version Manager Web Server Is Down [SCR 13848]

10.5 Unable to Change Password If No ACDB Exists

10.6 Request for Password Displayed Rather Than Licensing Error [DEF91620]

10.7 You have encountered an internal processing error: 2xxxx [DEF100245; ENH07397]

10.8 UNIX: "Restart Firefox" Option Might Crash Firefox [DEF161647]

10.9 UNIX: Uninstalling Web Client Without Closing Connections Might Crash Firefox

10.10 ALF SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token.


Part 5: Version Manager WebDAV Server

11.0 Known Issues

11.1 See the Usage Cautions Readme File

11.2 Where is the WebDAV Server Implementation Guide?


Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support

12.0 Support

12.1 Support Information

13.0 Notice Regarding Third Party Software


To Top

Part 1: General

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1.0 Known Windows and Linux/UNIX Issues

1.1 The 64-bit Release of Version Manager breaks when it is installed to "C:\Program Files" [DEF298504]

The default installation directory for the 64-bit release of Version Manager is C:\Program Files (x86). Manually changing that path to C:\Program Files from the installer causes Version Manager to break, as some parts will be installed in C:\Program Files and others in C:\Program Files (x86).

You can install the 64-bit release of Version Manager to a different directory, just not C:\Program Files.

1.2 File Server client can no longer communicate with File Server using an IIS proxy [OCTCR17AA1652141]

As of VM, a File Server client can no longer communicate with the File Server via IIS. Attempts to do so fail with error pvcs.exception.FsAuthenticationException: Use nonce "NONCE".

This is a side-effect of the enhanced File Server security, which will be solved by a client-side change in future release. Until then, work around the issue by creating the file VM_Install_Dir\vm\common\tomcat\conf\PVCS\localhost\serenafs.xml on the File Server with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <CookieProcessor className="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.LegacyCookieProcessor" sameSiteCookies="lax"/>

Regular File Server access via Tomcat (ports 8080/8090/8443) is not affect by this issue.

1.3 SSO CAC (SmartCard) communication fails when connecting to pre-VM SSO server [OCTCR17AA1675198]

Version Manager SSO CAC (SmartCard) authentication to a pre-VM SSO server, or to an SBM SSO server, will fail if the SSO CAC connector accepts the TLSv1.3 protocol. Users get an error of type:

pvcs.exception.PvcsSSOException: SSO/CAC Login Error: Connection exception using SSLCLIENTAUTHURL "https://Server:8444/idp/services/Trust": No supported CertificateVerify signature algorithm for RSA key

(The SSO CAC connector typically listens on port 8444 for the VM SSO Server and port 8343 for the SBM SSO Server. PVCS VM 8.7 ships with the change below in place, so its SSO server is not affected.)

To work around this issue, restrict traffic on the SSO CAC port to TLSv1.2. For the VM SSO server this can be done by editing the file VM_Install_Dir\vm\common\tomcat\conf\server.xml as follows:





1.4 PVCS Version Managager Server Admin utility has the wrong name on Linux/UNIX [OCTCR17AA1675199]

The utility should be named vpadmin, but it was inadvertently named vpadmin.sh

To ensure vpadmin also works, execute the following command, replacing VM_Install_Dir with the directory where VM was installed:

ln -s vpadmin.sh VM_Install_Dir/vm/common/vpadmin/vpadmin

If vmprofile or vmcshrc was sourced in the shell, the following command can be used instead without need for modification:

ln -s vpadmin.sh $PVCS_HOME/common/vpadmin/vpadmin

1.5 LDAP & SSL: "Failed to connect to LDAP server" [ENH09231; DEF113674]

If you receive the following error:

"Failed to connect to LDAP server."
"You cannot access this project because your login account, UserName, is invalid ..."

See LDAP Connection/Authentication Fails in the Usage_Cautions.html readme file.

1.6 File Server Does Not Resolve Paths to Event Trigger or Custom Tool Definition Files [SCR 14206]

Paths specified in event triggers or custom tool definitions that access a script or executable must be accessible by the client operating system. If you migrate an existing Project Database for use with a file server, you may need to change the definitions so that paths remain accessible to the OS.

For security reasons, only Version Manager executables can access paths served by the Version Manager File Server. If the directories mapped by the file server contain files other than archives and Project Database files, and if third-party applications need to access these files (or if the files are third-party applications), you need to provide another form of access for these files (such as a shared directory or a mapped drive).

NOTE: Any Version Manager executable used in your event trigger will work fine without a shared directory or mapped drive, as long as the executable itself--and any script containing it--can be found using regular (OS) file access.


Part 2: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, and PCLI

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2.0 Known Windows and Linux/UNIX Issues

2.1 CLI: Help (‑h) Output Incorrectly Displays All Options in Uppercase Letters [SCR14691; SCR14704]

The output from the -h option for CLI commands always shows options as all-uppercase; however, some options do not work if you use uppercase letters. To be safe, always use lowercase letters for CLI options.

2.2 "Check Tip Against Version/Revision" Fails If Default Version Is Set [SCR 14749]

If a default version label is defined for the Project Database, the Show History report does not work when you perform a Check tips against version/revision operation.

2.3 Lowest-Level Promotion Group Does Not Appear in the Checkout Dialog Box [DEF78383]


  1. Deploy a promotion model at the root level of a Project Database (PDB).

  2. Create a sub-project with a configuration file.

  3. In the sub-project's configuration file, declare an additional promotion group below the main promotion model's bottom level.

  4. Add a workfile to the sub-project.

  5. Place the desktop client in recursive mode (View | Filter | Recursive).

  6. Select the PDB level. The sub-project and versioned file appear in the right pane.

  7. Select the versioned file directly in the right pane.

  8. Right-click and select Check Out.

  9. Open the drop-down list.

    It shows the original bottom-level promotion group as defined by the top-level configuration.


  1. After placing the desktop client in recursive mode (step 5 above), select the PDB level. The sub-project and versioned file appear in the right pane.

  2. This time, select the sub-project.

  3. Select the versioned file in the right pane.

  4. Right-click and select Check Out.

  5. Open the drop-down list.

    This time, it displays the new bottom-level promotion group as defined by the sub-project configuration.

2.4 SSO/CAC Error : Invalid SSO token, validation result: 40

An error like this indicates that the SSO Trust Keys of the STS component on the SSO server do not match those of the client. See KB doc S138730 or the Importing a Modified STS Trust Certificate from the SSO Server section of the PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide.

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3.0 Known Windows Issues

3.1 File Server Expects a Configuration File to Have a ".cfg" Extension

If you open a project database (PDB) from a File Server and specify a configuration file with a name that doesn't have a ".cfg" extension, Version Manager does not recognize the configuration file.

3.2 Using Certain High ASCII Characters (č, ě, ř) in Version Labels [DEF81214]

When used in a version label, the characters would be displayed as "???" or cause an error to be thrown. The characters are: č, ě, ř (c, e, and r with a caron). In Windows CP1250 Latin, these are the High ASCII characters 200, 227, and 236.

Windows CP1252 Latin (Western European Languages) does not contain these characters. To use these characters, you must change the region and language settings of your system to one that uses Code Page 1250, such as Romanian.

3.3 Commands Display English Rather than Internationalized Strings [TSK15780]

For supported languages, Version Manager commands use internationalized strings that match your locale settings. These strings are stored in the message catalog file (pvcsvm.cat). By default, the catalog file is located in the bin directory of your Version Manager installation location (for example, C:\Program Files\Serena\vm\common\bin\win32). If command prompts and messages are displayed in English (rather than matching the language of your locale settings), your language is not supported, or the NLSPATH is incorrect.

To set the NLSPATH variable:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel | System. The System Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. Click the Environment Variables button. The Environment Variables dialog box appears.

  4. Click the New button. The New Variable dialog box appears.

  5. Enter NLSPATH in the Variable name field.

  6. Enter the location of the pvcsvm.cat file in the Variable value field.

  7. Click the OK button on each dialog box.

3.4 Windows Systems using User Account Control (UAC): Run as administrator

In the PVCS Version Manager desktop client, to save the Admin | Make Secure configuration settings, you must use the PVCS Version Manager Run as administrator option.

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4.0 Known UNIX Issues

4.1 VTRANSFER -r: Attempting to Change the Case of a File Name on a Case-Insensitive File Server Fails to Rename the Archive [DEF74812]

Attempting to change the case of a file name on a case-insensitive File Server fails to rename the archive. To work around this issue, first run vtransfer -r to give the archive a different name, then run it again to rename that file to your desired name.

4.2 Full Path to Helper Applications Sometimes Required

In some situations, the Helper application may not start correctly unless you enter a full path.

Under the View | Options Application tab, you should enter full paths for the following applications:

  1. The editor that Version Manager will use to display and edit your workfiles and to display reports

  2. Adobe Acrobat Reader, used for viewing online manuals

  3. An HTML browser, used for displaying reports and online help

4.3 Disable Font Substitution in Exceed or other X Servers [DEF38783; TSK05722]

If you use Exceed, you must configure it NOT to use font substitution. If font substitution is enabled, many dialog controls will not display correctly. Some may be unusable.

When you install Exceed, it enables font substitution by default. This may also apply to other X server software.

To disable font substitution in Exceed:

  1. Launch Xconfig.

  2. Select Font Management.

  3. Select the Advanced Settings tab.

  4. Deselect the Automatic Font Substitution checkbox.

    NOTE The following two steps are optional, but recommended.

  5. Select the Local Fonts First checkbox.

  6. Select the Optimize for Java VM checkbox.

NOTE The procedure above is for Exceed 10. For other versions or for other X server software, consult the product's documentation.

4.4 Linux: "Open Server Configuration File" Dialog Box Displays Empty Drop-Down List [SDF08089; DEF105837]

When you try to select a file server or local location from the Open Server Configuration File dialog box, the drop-down list may draw incorrectly and appear to be empty. You can prevent future occurrences of this behavior by changing your locale settings from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1.

To do so, run the following commands:

export LANG=en_US
export LC_ALL=en_US

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5.0 Known PCLI Issues

5.1 Spaces Not Supported in a Variable Index

When referencing a variable's elements in PCLI, do not use leading or trailing spaces. For example:

$FOO[ 3 ] should be changed to $FOO[3]

5.2 Wildcard Characters Do Not Work at the Top Level of Workspace Paths

You cannot use wildcard characters at the top level of workspace paths. For example, if you enter the following, the PCLI does not list the names of any public or private workspaces:

pcli list /@/*

However, this command lists all private workspaces of AdamJ, provided you are logged in to the project database as AdamJ:

pcli list /@/AdamJ/*

The following command lists all the public workspaces:

pcli list /@/Public/*

5.3 CTRL+D/CTRL+Z Cannot Be Used to End Descriptions

When you are being prompted to enter a description by the AddFiles or Put command, you cannot use the EndOfFile (EOF) character of the operating system you are running on (UNIX: CTRL+D, Windows: CTRL+Z). When prompted, enter a single period (.) on a line by itself to end the description. Windows users can also press CTRL+D.

Note that this is different from the old-style command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to enter the EOF character to end the description.

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6.0 Conversion Utility for SourceSafe

6.1 General

The Version Manager Conversion Utility for SourceSafe can convert your existing SourceSafe databases into Version Manager project databases.

Please refer to the PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide for information about how to use this utility.


Part 3: Version Manager IDE Client

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7.0 Known Issues in SCC IDEs

7.1 SCC plugin is missing in VS2022

VS2022 will not recognize SCC/SourceBridge plugin unless "VS Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop" component is installed

7.2 Source Bridge: "Failed to Initialize..." [DEF78056]

If you install Source Bridge while TrackerLink is still set as the SCC provider, Source Bridge will try to use TrackerLink as the SCC provider. Source control will not work.

To correct this, set the SCC provider in the System Settings tab of the Source Bridge dialog box. For details, see the "About Setting Up Source Bridge" section of the PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide.

7.3 Pulse: Displays "pvcs.vm.param.LogInfo" Messages

Pulse may display messages containing the text "pvcs.vm.param.LogInfo". Disregard these messages.

7.4 RAD and Power Builder: javaw.exe, eclipse.exe, pclioutproc.exe Processes Do Not End After closing the Version Manager SCC Interface [TSK11696]

In some situations, javaw.exe, eclipse.exe, pclioutproc.exe processes may not end automatically when closing the application. This occurs when Power Builder or RAD is run using the Version Manager interface. You must manually stop the processes.

7.5 Visual Basic: Prompts for Confirmation of Check-In Location

Visual Basic may prompt you to confirm the check-in location even though you are checking a file in from the same location to which you checked it out. This occurs when the case in the filename is changed during the check-in process. When prompted to check in anyway, select Yes. The file will be properly checked in to the correct location.

7.6 Workfile Location Options Are Available for Getting Projects

Some IDEs allow you to get an entire project from source control, which copies all files in the Version Manager project to the location of your choice. You can specify any workfile location except a root drive (such as C:\).

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8.0 Known Issues in Eclipse Rich Integration (RIDE)

8.1 Projects added to PVCS source control will lose binding after upgrade to PVCS Version Manager 8.7

Due to changes in the source control metadata stored in the Eclipse workspace, projects need to be reimported after the upgrade to rebuild that metadata. Until then, source control actions on the project will be disabled.

  1. Execute Team | Disconnect
  2. If the Eclipse workspace contains modifications that still need to be checked in, make a backup of that directory.
  3. Delete the workspace directory, or select a new one.
  4. Import the project from Source Control.
  5. If a backup was made of the old workspace (step 2), copy it on top of the new one.

8.2 "Resource Key" Errors

On systems that are not set to the en_US locale, "Resource Key" errors occur in the serena_java.log file in your installation directory. These errors do not mean that features are not working correctly; however, to ensure that the log remains readable, you can edit the log to remove these error messages.

8.3 Copy All Changes Toolbar Button Not Working [DEF77682]

In the compare dialog box, the Copy All Non-Conflicting Changes from Right to Left toolbar button does not work in Three-Way Compare mode.

Workaround: Toggle the Three-Way/Two-Way Compare toolbar button.

8.4 "Out of Memory Error" or General Failure Operating on Large Projects [TSK04216]

You should specify a larger heap size if you have extremely large projects. See KnowledgeBase article S105310 or the item in the Usage Cautions readme ("Out of Memory Error" or General Failure Operating on Large Projects).

8.5 Eclipse C++: Error on Import of Java Project [DEF222404]

You cannot import a source controlled Java project from Version Manager into Eclipse C++. Doing so will result in errors, such as: "Building workspace has encountered a problem."

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9.0 Known Issues in Visual Studio Rich Integration (RIDE)

9.1 Solutions added to PVCS source control will lose binding after upgrade to PVCS Version Manager 8.7

Due to changes in the source control metadata stored in the Visual Studio workspace, solutions need to be rebound after the upgrade to rebuild that metadata. Until then, source control actions on the solution will be disabled.

For steps, see KB doc How to rebind a Visual Studio solution

9.2 Visual Studio Rich Integration does not support project type 'LightSwitch'

The Visual Studio project type 'LightSwitch' is not supported by Version Manager's RIDE integration.


Part 4: Version Manager Web Client

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10.0 Known Issues

10.1 Do Not Simultaneously Access Multiple Projects / Project Databases on the Same Server [TSK15261; DEF184743; DEF144905]

From an individual web client system, do not open more than one connection to a given Version Manager web server at a time. If you have multiple web servers, you can open a single connection to each server in its own browser tab or browser instance.

10.2 Refreshing Content Pane after Viewing Revision

When viewing a file in the revision pane, you can refresh the contents of its parent project by pressing CTRL and clicking the project in the project pane. You can also click the Return to Contents of Project link in the revision pane.

10.3 UNIX: Add Workfiles Directory Browsing Is Sometimes Disabled [DEF72497]

When you click the browse button in the Add Workfiles dialog box, the resulting directory selection dialog box sometimes does not function properly on UNIX.

The workaround is to restart the browser.

10.4 IO Error Messages Occur When the Version Manager Web Server Is Down [SCR 13848]

One way in which the Web client will report communication difficulties with the Web server is by displaying IO error messages (such as "java.io.IOException" or "pvcs.io.CommException").

10.5 Unable to Change Password If No ACDB Exists

If an Access Control Database does not exist for a project database, you cannot change your Version Manager Web client password to log in to that project database. To fix this problem, create a new ACDB for the project database using the Version Manager desktop. Uncheck the "Enable access control database security" box. You can now change your password in the Version Manager Web client.

NOTE: Creating the new ACDB does not affect the users' existing permissions, since the ACDB is disabled.

10.6 Request for Password Displayed Rather Than Licensing Error [DEF91620]

If as a user without a password you access a project database that is configured for HOSTID, any licensing errors will result in a request for a password.

10.7 You have encountered an internal processing error: 2xxxx [DEF100245; ENH07397]

A message similar to the following may indicate that the locale setting of your system is not compatible with that of the server.

c:\work\pileon\pileon_rgering\chars\File€Euro.txt, You have encountered an internal processing error: 27749. Please restart Version Manager and try the operation again. If you continue to have problems, contact your administrator for further assistance.

In the above case, a UNIX-based file server was running in the en_US locale, which does not include support for the Euro character.

To avoid this issue, ensure that the characters in your file names are compatible with the locale that the file server and/or Web server are running on.

10.8 UNIX: "Restart Firefox" Option Might Crash Firefox [DEF161647]

The Restart Firefox option in the Add-ons dialog box might crash Firefox after installation of the PVCS Version Manager Web client on UNIX platforms.

Workaround: Close Firefox and then open a fresh Firefox session to connect to the PVCS Version Manager Web server after installing the PVCS Version Manager Web client on a UNIX platform.

10.9 UNIX: Uninstalling Web Client Without Closing Connections Might Crash Firefox

Uninstalling the PVCS Version Manager Web client without closing Web client connections to the PVCS Version Manager Web server might crash Firefox on Unix platforms.

Workaround: Uninstall the PVCS Version Manager Web client from Firefox after closing all the PVCS Version Manager clients connected to the PVCS Version Manager Web server.

10.10 ALF SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token.

Validation of WS-Federation token failed with code 40:Token issuer not allowed. An error like this indicates that the SSO Trust Keys of the STS component on the SSO server do not match those of the client. See KB doc S138730 or the Importing a Modified STS Trust Certificate from the SSO Server section of the PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide.


Part 5: Version Manager WebDAV Server

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11.0 Known Issues

11.1 See the Usage Cautions Readme File

There is important information about using WebDAV in the Usage Cautions readme file.

11.2 Where is the WebDAV Server Implementation Guide?

It no longer exists as a separate document. The server configuration information is in the PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide. The client setup and use information is in the PVCS Version Manager User's Guide.


Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support

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12.0 Support

12.1 Support Information

To obtain product support, log into portal.microfocus.com.

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13.0 Notice Regarding Third Party Software

The license information for Third Party components used by and distributed with PVCS Version Manager can be found in the PVCS installation directory.

End Readme
Copyright © 2003–2024 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.