Reflection .NET API
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts Assembly / Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts Namespace / IOia Interface
Properties Events

In This Topic
    IOia Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IOia.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets the communications status from the OIA.  
     PropertyGets the error status from the OIA  
     PropertyGets whether there is a status message waiting. 5250 sessions only.  
     PropertyGets the parent object. The parent is the IIbmScreen object.  
     PropertyReturns text representation of the status line  
     PropertyGets or sets the type of 5250 status line. Applies only to 5250 sessions.  
     PropertyGets the X-clock status from the OIA  
    Public Events
     EventThe OIA status line has changed.  
    See Also