Reflection .NET API
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems Assembly / Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems Namespace / IFileTransfer Interface / ZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabled Property

In This Topic
    ZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabled Property
    In This Topic
    Returns or specifies whether the File name translation options on the Translation tab in the File Transfer Setup dialog box are used for Zmodem transfers.
    Property ZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabled As Boolean
    Dim instance As IFileTransfer
    Dim value As Boolean
    instance.ZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabled = value
    value = instance.ZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabled
    bool ZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabled {get; set;}

    Property Value

    The default value is false.
    These options correspond to the following properties: Transfer8Dot3FilenameCase TransferReceiveAs8Dot3 TransferSpacesToUnderscores TransferUnderscoresToSpaces The default value is false.
    See Also