Reflection .NET API
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems Assembly / Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems Namespace / IScreen Interface
Properties Methods Events

In This Topic
    IScreen Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IScreen.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating how Reflection calculates the cursor row position shown in the status bar display. This property is only relevant if you are emulating a VT Terminal. When set to True, the cursor row position is calculated relative to the top of display memory, which means that the row value continues to increase as text scrolls off into display memory. When set to False, the cursor row position is calculated relative to the current screen display, which means it will never show a value greater than the current value of DisplayRows.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection appends a linefeed character to each transmitted or received carriage return character . Most hosts echo both a carriage return and a linefeed when you press Return, so in remote mode it isn't usually appropriate to add another linefeed. In local mode, however, a carriage return does not execute a linefeed automatically, so you may want to set AutoLinefeed to True.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether keys repeat when you hold them down. The Shift, Enter, and Ctrl keys never auto repeat.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Auto Scroll is on. This property is valid for Wyse, DG, and ADDS terminal emulation. When this property is True, a linefeed on the last line of the screen causes a new blank line to be created and the rest of the screen to be scrolled up one line.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether a break can be transmitted to the host computer. This property affects breaks transmitted from the keyboard, and does not affect breaks transmitted programmatically (for example, with the Break method).  
     PropertyGets or sets the length (in milliseconds) of the break signal. Use the Break method to transmit a Break signal to the host.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the CapsLock keyboard function is in effect. When this property is True, pressing any letter key transmits the uppercase version of the letter to the host. While the CapsLockMode property is True, the CapsLock property is automatically set to False.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the screen display is cleared when the number of screen columns is changed. The number of screen columns can be specified using either the DisplayColumns property or the Screen tab in the Display Setup dialog box.  
     PropertyGets or sets the number of columns, or character positions, to be rolled right or left during one horizontal scrolling operation with Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right. In Reflection for HP, this property only applies when the RightMargin property is set to a value greater than 80. In Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS and Reflection for ReGIS Graphics, this property only applies when RightMargin is greater than 80 and you are operating in graphics mode without a 132-column adapter.  
     PropertyGets or sets how Reflection handles spaces when aligning data on screen. This property is relevant for Thai character set support only; change the value of this property only if you are using the Thai version of Windows. If Reflection is using a proportional font, this property specifies the number of spaces after which text characters are realigned to display on monospaced boundaries. For example, if the terminal window is displaying two columns of data with at least three spaces between columns on any particular line, setting this property to 3 ensures that the second column of data is properly left-justified on the screen.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating how Reflection handles blank lines in display memory. When this property is True, Reflection compresses multiple blank lines in display memory into a single blank line. This property only affects lines that have scrolled off the screen.  
     PropertyGets or sets the copy data format. Format can be Lines (the default), Unformatted or Paragraph.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether bitmaps copied to the Clipboard are edited so the background color is set to white, and all near-white colors are set to black. This is useful for pasting graphic images into word processing documents.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether bitmaps copied to the Clipboard are dithered to standard VGA colors. (The dithering options are controlled by the ImageDither property.) This is useful for pasting graphic images into Windows applications that are not palette-aware (for example, Windows Paintbrush).  
     PropertyGets or sets the copy table method. The copy table method can be DetectColumns (based on vertical space alignment) or MultipleSpaces (which replaces multiple spaces or tabs with a single tab). The default is DetectColumns.  
     PropertyGets the column containing the cursor in the terminal window, relative to the left edge of the screen. The number is 1-based (the first column is column 1).  
     PropertyGets the current cursor row in the terminal window, relative to the top of the screen, in host-addressable coordinates.  
     PropertyGets or sets the number of columns displayed in the terminal window.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection displays characters received from the host during the execution of any of the following methods: ReadChars, ReadLine, or ReadUntil.  
     PropertyGets or sets the number of 8K blocks allocated to display memory. Display memory contains both the information visible on the display and information that has scrolled off the display. It is a log of what has recently been sent from the host to the PC. This property determines the amount of memory you want to allocate to display memory. The default value is for 9 blocks of 8 kilobytes each, or 72K of display memory.  
     PropertyGets the index of the top row of display memory using host-addressable coordinates.  
     PropertyGets or sets the number of lines in each page of display memory. The host can position the cursor and write characters on any row in the specified range.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection uses drawing optimization features to control the timing of changes to the screen display. Use the default value (true) for the best performance with most host applications.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection supports dynamic update of the number of rows and columns in the display when the user resizes the terminal window. Note: You can only set this property to True when you are emulating a VT terminal. Your Telnet server and application must also support NAWS (Negotiate About Window Size) otherwise display problems can occur. DynamicTerminalSize and AutoFontSize are mutually exclusive options. When one is set to True the other is automatically set to False.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating what happens when typing reaches the end of a line. When this property is set to True, Reflection automatically inserts a carriage return and a linefeed when the cursor reaches the right margin. When the value is False, the cursor is not automatically advanced when it reaches the right margin—as you type additional characters, each character overwrites the previous character until you move the cursor.  
     PropertyWhen this property is set to True, Reflection ignores the current value of the AutoRepeat property and always auto repeats (causing most keys to repeat when you hold the key down).  
     PropertyGets the HotSpots object which is used to obtain/specify information pertaining to HotSpots behavior.  
     PropertyGets or sets how character insertion is handled during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). When this property is True, a character insertion forces a character off a row (or off the end of the screen if Autowrap is on) when a character insertion operation is performed and a null character cannot be found to delete to accommodate the insertion.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the Mdt (Modified data tag) is cleared after data is sent to the host during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets how the Enter key behaves during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether nulls received from the host are ignored during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets the behavior of the Insert Key during 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets the Block mode state for IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets how line insertion is handled during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). When this property is True, a line insertion forces the last line off the screen when a null line cannot be found to delete to accommodate the insertion.  
     PropertyGets or sets how a received carriage return is interpreted during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets how a received line feed is interpreted during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets the behavior of the Return key during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets how the Send key behaves during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether trailing nulls are sent to the host during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). This property is only relevant in block mode.  
     PropertyGets or sets how the Tab key behaves during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets defines the LineTurnAround (LTA) character for IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
     PropertyGets or sets what happens when a 256-color image is pasted into the terminal window from the Clipboard. Because Reflection for ReGIS Graphics emulates a 16-color terminal, an algorithm is used to determine exactly how colors should be mapped. Setting ImageFleshtones to True gives more priority to accurately representing colors like red, brown, yellow, and pink from the original 256-color image, rather than to colors like blue and green.  
     PropertyGets or sets what happens when a 256-color image is pasted into the terminal window from the Clipboard. Because Reflection for ReGIS Graphics emulates a 16-color terminal, an algorithm is used to determine exactly how colors should be mapped. Try all three values to see which works best for a particular image.  
     PropertyGets or sets what happens when color bitmaps are pasted from the Clipboard. When this property is set to True, 256-color bitmaps pasted from the Clipboard are dithered to the current color map values. When this property is set to False, the color map that best represents the colors in the pasted bitmap is calculated. The dithering options are controlled by the ImageDither property.  
     PropertyGets or sets how Reflection handles keyboard and mouse actions with events that are scheduled to execute after a period of inactivity. When this property is True (the default), mouse and keyboard activity are ignored, the period of inactivity is counted down, and the scheduled event is executed. When this property is False, keystrokes and mouse clicks reset the inactivity countdown when the Reflection terminal window has focus. Moving the mouse resets the inactivity countdown when Reflection is the foreground application.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether characters can be added to text in the terminal window without typing over existing characters. When this property is set to False, typing over existing characters replaces those characters. When this property is set to True, new characters are inserted at the cursor location, and existing characters are moved to the right. This property is relevant when Reflection is in block mode.  
     PropertyThis property Gets or sets how character 92 is displayed by default when HostCharacterSet is set to rcDECKanji1983 or rcDECKanji1978. When this property is set to True, by default Reflection displays character 92 as a Yen character and the character set in G0 is JIS-Roman. When this parameter is set to False, by default Reflection displays character 92 as a backslash character ( \ ) and the character set in G0 is ASCII instead of JIS-Roman.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether or not the keyboard and the toolbar are locked (that is, they cannot be used). When this property is set to True, the keyboard and toolbar cannot be used.  
     PropertyGets or sets how Reflection manages data entering display memory. Setting JumpScrollSpeed to rcScrollBy1 refreshes the screen every time a line enters display memory. Higher numerical values (rcScrollBy2, rcScrollBy4, and so on, up to rcScrollBy128) refresh the screen after the specified number of lines have entered display memory—assuming data is entering display memory too fast for the display to keep up.  
     PropertyBy default, Reflection scales graphics images down so that an entire image fits on the PC display. Set this property to True if you want to see an image as it would appear on a terminal display. Use Alt with the arrow keys to pan the window.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether a bell should sound when the cursor reaches the column that is eight spaces short of the right margin.  
     PropertyGets or sets how Reflection responds to a mouse click in the left margin of the terminal window. When this property is true (the default) a mouse click selects the entire line. When it is false, a click in the left margin is equivalent to a click in the first column and does not select any text.  
     PropertyGets the column location where the mouse was last clicked within the terminal screen. A click in the first column sets this property to zero (0).  
     PropertyGets the row location, in host-addressable coordinates, where the mouse was last clicked within the terminal screen.  
     PropertyWith Reflection, your PC can emulate a multi-page terminal that dynamically stores data. But some applications designed for Digital terminals require that the terminal have only a single page of memory (24 lines). If you're running a host application that requires single-page mode, set this property to False.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the NumLock keyboard function is on or off. When this property is True, keypad keys are in numeric mode; when it's False, keypad keys are in cursor-positioning mode.  
     PropertyOn-demand font-loading (ODL) is a Digital Japan feature that has been added to version 5.2 of Reflection (along with related features such as VT382 font-preloading and Gyoukan-Keisen line drawing). Set this property to True if you are using an EUC double-byte Japanese character set and want ODL to be used for xA121-xFE7E.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the cursor is coupled to the current page in page memory or whether moving the cursor to another page automatically causes that page to be displayed.  
     PropertyGets the parent object. The parent is the ITerminal object.  
     PropertyGets or sets the size of a "paste block," which is the number of characters pasted from the Clipboard to the terminal window before a pause occurs. See the description for the PasteDelay property for information on configuring the length of the pause and on conditions that can terminate the pause.  
     PropertyGets or sets how many tenths of a second to wait between "paste blocks" when pasting data from the Clipboard into display memory. (See the description for the PasteBufferSize property for information on configuring the size of a paste block.) In Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS and Reflection for ReGIS Graphics, the emulator waits either for the PasteDelay interval or for the number of characters already sent to be echoed back before sending another line.  
     PropertyGets the Printing object which is used to obtain/specify information pertaining to printing behavior.  
     PropertyGets or sets what happens to the ReGIS cursor when you move the Windows mouse to a location in the Reflection terminal window that is different from the position the host has established. To disable this feature and enable the ability to "click ahead," change the setting of ReGISMoveMouse to False.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection restores text colors after ReGIS graphics have been drawn. When this property is set to True, colors are temporarily saved by Reflection when all three of the following events occur: · Reflection is placed into ReGIS mode by a graphics application. · The application changes your colors. · A ReGIS or sixel image is drawn on the screen. Text colors are then restored when either of the following occurs: · The entire screen is cleared (with the sequence H, J, or 2J). · The application exits ReGIS mode and the entire image scrolls off the screen (for example, as the result of a series of characters). This behavior differs from an actual terminal, where your original colors are never restored when changed by a graphics application. If colors were changed in ReGIS but no graphics were drawn, the original colors are not restored. This preserves the intent of some text applications that use ReGIS to change screen colors.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to retain formatting so that copied text is pasted in the same way as it is displayed in the terminal. When set to false, formatting is removed from copied text.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the foreground and background colors for screen attributes are reversed.  
     PropertyGets or sets what happens to the data on screen when the host clears the display. Applications running on the host often send down escape sequences to clear the screen in whole or in part. When the screen is cleared, the data that was displayed is lost. This property allows you to retain the data that would otherwise be lost. When this property is set to True and such an escape sequence is received, the current display is cleared from view and saved in display memory, and the cursor is positioned at the top of the screen.  
     PropertyGets or sets time duration during which there should be no host data changes. This value is used in triggering the ScreenReady event. The value is not persisted.  
     PropertyGets the row number of the top row of the screen, in host-addressable coordinates.  
     PropertyGets or sets when Reflection uses an off-screen bitmap to speed up scrolling. With most EGA and VGA video adapters, it's usually more efficient to use this off-screen bitmap, but with video adapters that support higher resolutions and more colors, it may be more efficient not to use the bitmap. When this property is set to rcAuto, Reflection automatically adjusts to either use or not use the off-screen bitmap, depending on the capabilities of the video adapter.  
     PropertyGets information about the current selection.  
     PropertyGets the type of region selected.  
     PropertyWhen this property is set to True, Reflection displays control characters but does not execute the functions these characters would otherwise perform.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether zeros displayed in the terminal window contain slashes (like this: Ø). This property only affects the terminal window and has no effect on HP Function key labels, the Terminal's status line, menus, dialog boxes, the Windows Clipboard, or printing. It also has no effect on fonts that, by their design, already display zeroes with slashes (for example, the Terminal font). When this property is True, text displayed in the terminal window uses the slash zero. When it is False (the default), the standard zero character is used.  
     PropertyGets or sets the scroll speed setting. When this property is set to True, data from the host scrolls more slowly and evenly. (Changing this value to True is equivalent to changing the Scrolling option on the Screen tab of the Display Setup dialog box to Smooth.)  
     PropertyGets or sets the default font size for Tektronix emulation.  
     PropertyWhen this property is set to False, the Ctrl+S keystroke executes the hold screen keyboard function, and the Ctrl+Q keystroke cancels the hold screen; neither keystroke actually transmits anything to the host. When TransmitXonXoff is set to True, Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q are transmitted, and the hold screen function is not invoked. This property is automatically set to True when TerminalType is set to rcANSIBBS or rcANSIUNIX; it is automatically set to False when the value of TerminalType is changed from rcANSIBBS or rcANSIUNIX to any other value.  
     PropertyGets or sets how visual attributes are applied when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether a visual attribute should or should not occupy a character space in display memory when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955). When this property is False, visual attributes in display memory do not occupy a character space. When it is True, a visual attribute will occupy a character space in display memory.  
     PropertyGets or sets usage and display of the bottom status line when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).  
     PropertyGets or sets which TVI emulation type Reflection uses when TerminalType is set to rcTVI955.  
     PropertyGets or sets the action of the Down key when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).  
     PropertyGets or sets which function key set is available to the keyboard when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).  
     PropertyGets or sets how the top and bottom status line appear in Reflection's terminal window when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).  
     PropertyGets or sets usage and display of the top status line when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the host can transmit ANSI color sequences to Reflection, thereby changing the foreground and background colors for characters displayed in the terminal window. This property applies to the display of ANSI color sequences in in the terminal window; it does not apply to printing with Reflection.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the Katakana or Kanji character set is used by default when HostCharacterSet is set to rcDECKanji1983 or rcDECKanji1978. When this property is set to True, Reflection uses the Katakana character set as the default. When this property is set to False, Reflection uses the Kanji character set as the default.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the row in which the cursor is located remains in the terminal window regardless of how the terminal window is resized or which screen font size is used.  
     PropertyGets or sets what is transmitted to the host when the user press the Backspace key. On the VT terminal keyboard the backarrow key is configurable: it can send either a delete (ASCII 127) or a backspace (ASCII 8) character. For the emulator, use this property to configure Backspace in the same manner. This property affects Reflection for HP only in VT emulation mode.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the cursor keys are under host control. This property is usually controlled by the host. If you find that your arrow keys aren't working properly, it may mean that this option was incorrectly left set to rcApplicationMode when a host program terminated abnormally. This property affects Reflection for HP only in VT emulation mode.  
     PropertyGets or sets which characters are transmitted by the numeric keypad keys. This property is normally controlled by the host. If you find that the keypad number or PF keys aren't working properly, it may mean that this option was incorrectly left set to rcApplicationMode when a host program terminated abnormally. This property affects Reflection for HP only in VT emulation mode.  
     PropertyGets or sets a string of characters that mark the beginning or end of a "word" when using a mouse to select words in the terminal window. These "exclusive" characters are not included in the word that is selected.  
     PropertyGets or sets a string of characters that mark the beginning or end of a word when using a mouse to select words in the terminal window. These "inclusive" characters are included as part of the word that is selected.  
     PropertyGets or sets the Wyse terminal display attribute mode. This property is valid only for Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether a Wyse terminal is in Block Mode. The value of this property is not saved to a settings file.  
     PropertyGets or sets the end-of-transmission delimiter for block sends. This is typically set by the host application. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets how a DEL character is handled. When this property is True, a DEL character is interpreted as a destructive backspace. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets what is sent to the host when the Enter key is pressed. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets how many label lines are visible. The terminal decides how many label lines are visible by how many display rows are requested. Reflection allows you to always have two if you want. If only one label line is visible, pressing the Shift key will display the second line. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the terminal is in Protect Mode. In Protect Mode, the cursor is not allowed to move into areas of the screen that are write-protected. Cursor movement keys and the tab and backtab keys move from one unprotected area to the next unprotected area. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation. The value of this property is not saved to a settings file.  
     PropertyGets or sets how a received carriage return (CR) is interpreted. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets what is sent to the host when the Return key is pressed. This property is valid only during Wyse terminal emulation.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the Wyse status line at the top of the screen is set to Off, Standard, or Edit.  
    Public Methods
     MethodClears all display memory including the currently displayed screen.  
     MethodClears the current screen in display memory.  
     MethodClears current selection. Ignored if emulating a VT terminal.  
     MethodOverloaded. Copies ASCII text data to the clipboard.  
     MethodOverloaded. Appends selected text to the end of the clipboard.  

    Copies selected text to one of four clipboard buffers. If an invalid bufferNum value is specified, the request is ignored.

    Note: This property is supported only by the InfoConnect Desktop product. It is not supported by other Micro Focus products.

     MethodDisplays the specified local file on the terminal screen.  
     MethodOverloaded. Displays a string in the terminal window as though it had been received from the host.  
     MethodSelects all text in the terminal window between the selection start position and the specified coordinates. Use the SetSelectionStartPos method to set the starting coordinates.  
     MethodSelects all text in the terminal window in all rows between the starting row and the specified row. Use the SetSelectionStartPos method to set the starting coordinates.  
     MethodGets the ScreenCharacter at the specified location.  
     MethodRetrieves character attributes for the specified position.  
     MethodGets ScreenCharacter objects from the specified location, each representing one character at a screen location. The length argument specifies the number of screen bytes to get. In SBCS, the number of screen bytes is the same as that of ScreenCharacter objects. In DBCS, the two numbers can be different. If the last byte is only one half byte of a DBCS character, the last byte is not returned.  
     MethodOverloaded. Gets the text from the specified location. The length argument specifies the number of screen bytes to get. In SBCS, the number of screen bytes is the same as that of the ScreenCharacter objects. In DBCS, the two numbers can be different. If the last byte is only one half byte of a DBCS character, the last byte is not returned.  
     MethodLocks the screen so that users cannot input on keyboard. Other means of input (such as macros or the application programming interface) are still available. To release the lock, use UnlockInput().  
     MethodCopies data from the clipboard to the current cursor location.  

    Pastes data from one of four clipboard buffers. If an invalid bufferNum value is specified, or if the specified clipboard buffer does not contain data, the request is ignored.

    Note: This property is supported only by the InfoConnect Desktop product. It is not supported by other Micro Focus products.

     MethodOverloaded. Reads a specified number of characters from the host.  
     MethodOverloaded. Reads data from the host until a line-feed character is encountered.  
     MethodOverloaded. Read data from the host until one of the specified terminator characters is received. The terminator character is not included in the returned string.  
     MethodOverloaded. Writes the entire display memory contents to a file.  
     MethodOverloaded. Searches for the specified text, starting from the specified screen location.  
     MethodSelects all of the text on the screen.  
     MethodSelects specified display memory text.  
     MethodSend host control key to host.  
     MethodSend host control key to host. The method does not return until the screen has settled for the time duration measured by the ScreenSettleTime property.  
     MethodOverloaded. Sends the text string to the host.  
     MethodSets starting coordinates for selecting text.  
     MethodUnlocks the screen. See the LockInput() method for more information.  
     MethodWait for the specified duration.  
     MethodWaits for the specified control key press.  
     MethodOverloaded. Waits for host screen data to settle (no incoming data for the specified settle time).  
     MethodOverloaded. Waits for any data to come from the host. The keyboard is disabled.  
     MethodOverloaded. Waits for the specified text to be received from the host.  
     MethodOverloaded. Waits for one of the specified text strings to be received from the host.  
     MethodOverloaded. Waits until the specified time.  
    Public Events
     EventControl Key being sent.  
     EventControl key has been processed by terminal  
     EventKeyboard has been unlocked.  
     EventKeyboard has been unlocked.  
     EventData key is being sent.  
     EventData key has been processed by terminal.  
     EventThis event occurs when a session window is clicked by the mouse.  
    See Also