Kanban Board Information Pane

The Information pane in TEAM ROOM > GUID-C62FD764-55BB-42BE-B783-E30AEBC3BDD1-low.png <Kanban Board Name> contains the following information:


Board Selection

This list contains all of the Project's Kanban Boards that have been made available to the TEAM ROOM. See Setting Kanban Board Options.

Cycle Time Label

Displays the average amount of time it takes for a card to progress from the first lane to the last lane.

WIP Summary Label

Number of Stories in all lanes not including the Board Backlog or the last lane.

Card Blocked Icon

If a card is blocked, you will see this indicator:


GUID-FD54C87E-0ED1-43E0-8547-F744D21FECC6-low.png Cumulative Flow Button

Click to view the Kanban Cumulative Flow Diagram.

The Kanban Cumulative Flow diagram represents the number of Stories (y-axis) on any given day (x-axis) and the lane in which they were in. The colors in the chart represent the different lanes. If more than eight weeks of data exists in the lanes, it is broken into two week increments.

If a Custom Filter is used as the board input, the start date is the date that the first item was added to the board and the end date is the current day (today).

Note: To zoom in on a region, right click and drag the region. To go back one zoom level, double click the graph or click the Undo Zoom button.

GUID-37B8EF3D-BD0B-4B3A-A6C4-02530E4C7F07-low.png Discussions Button

Each Kanban Board contains its own Discussion. For more information, see Discussions.

GUID-9FC72686-DE94-4F06-B018-3A8F94BB0712-low.png Administrator Button

Visible only for System or Project Administrators. Click to open the Kanban Board Administrator window. From here, administrators can customize their board. For more information, see Kanban Board Administration.