Using Rhythm with Scrum

Before proceeding with these steps, make sure you have reviewed Getting Started with Rhythm.
Note: The Project Type is set to Scrum by default, but if you will be using both Scrum and Kanban in your Project, see Setting the Project Type.
  1. Plan the Sprint and Release Timeboxes
    1. The Scrum Master should define one or more of the product's Releases:
    2. For Sprints, the Scrum Master needs to:
  2. Groom the Backlog for delivery planning
    The Product Owner should:
    1. Refine and Rank the Backlog.
    2. Target Stories for a Release.
  3. Sprint Planning
    1. The development team should conduct a planning meeting in order to estimate Stories.
    2. After the Stories are estimated, the team and Scrum Master need to Add Stories to the Sprint from the PLANNING > GUID-8860DDC9-D19F-457B-BF1D-D8EE19E5C00D-low.png Backlog > GUID-0ECE6B6C-7C13-4354-83D7-525395B0D234-low.png Sprints Panel, keeping in mind the indicators provided in the Health & Progress area. If you are over capacity, it will tell you. It also indicates if Tasks/Stories are/are not estimated and have owners.
    3. The team members create Tasks for their Stories.
      • Estimate the effort for each Task.
      • Assign an Owner to each Task. See Assigning and Estimating Tasks.
        Tip: It is likely that many of your Stories will contain the same types of Tasks. If so, we recommend setting up a template Story with all Tasks and using that on which to base each new Story. See Copying Tasks from Other Stories.
  4. Sprint Execution
    When the team is in agreement upon the Stories, the team should commence work and use Rhythm every day in the Team Room. Use the Team Room's Sprint List and Sprint Cards to do the following:
    • The Scrum Master runs the daily stand ups, checking on the Sprint health. Use a Quick Filter to filter what data you want to see in the TEAM ROOM. Note that the graphs in the Team Overview change based on the filter.
    • The project team members add work hours to Tasks and Status them as needed.
    • The team members also use Rhythm's integrated Code Review feature to review, comment on, and accept all code changes.
    • As Stories are completed, the Product Owner uses the Team Room to review and Accept them.
  5. Release Tracking
    The Product Owner and other stakeholders monitor the Release in the Tracking perspective.