
Working with Management Server Clusters

A management server cluster is a grouping of one or more management servers. When a cluster contains more than one management server data is automatically replicated across all servers in the cluster. Clustering management servers can provide failover and load distribution support. Management servers can be easily added and removed from a cluster using the Administrative Console. As you add management servers they display in the Management Server Explorer tree view. You can edit the properties for each server or for the cluster as a whole.

What is replication?

Replication is the process of sharing information between management servers. This ensures that the content is consistent between each server. Multiple management servers, called a cluster, increase the number of computers available to clients and so reduces the load on each one.


All management server data is replicated. This replicated data includes load distribution domains, authentication and authorization security configurations (directory services), and session pool schedules.

Why set up a management server cluster?

A cluster, which is a group of linked computers, improves performance and provides enhanced availability. Clusters are used to provide failover and load balancing functions.

There are a few things to remember when you're setting up a management server cluster:

  • It is important that all management servers in a cluster are able to communicate with all other management servers in the cluster using the address specified by the management server.
  • Make sure that all management servers in a cluster have their time and dates in synch. Otherwise replication problems may occur.
  • When you remove an online management server from a cluster it is returned to its initial state, however the user name and password that was configured for the management server is retained.

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