
Port and Network Configuration

These are the ports used by Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) version 7.0 and higher. This information may be helpful if you are configuring your firewall to allow VHI access.

Management Server ports

Listening Port Purpose/From
9641 (WCP) Client connector, connecting via load distribution domain / Session server (for authentication and authorization, on behalf of clients) / Deployment tools (activatemodel, deactivatemodel, Design Tool)
33000 (SSL JMX) - 33001 (SSL JMX export callback) Administrative Console (JConsole API for configuration and monitoring)
8095 (HTTP) Web Services Explorer (Jetty/JSP) Web application for testing Web services
7846 Peer management servers in cluster (for data replication)
1636 (LDAPS) Administrative Console (for authorization profile configuration; aggregates user data from all configured directory servers)
48620 and higher (WCP) From client connector (connecting “via domain") to domain server function in Management Server (one port used per load distribution domain)
32000 Wrapper service for JVM
Varies (UDP) Session server (notification of activity; to display in Administrative Console)

Session Server ports

Listening Port Purpose/From
9623 (WCP) Client connector, deployment tools, and Management Server
9680 (HTTP) Web services clients, including Web Services Explorer. See Changing Web Service Ports
9681 (HTTPS) Web services clients, with SSL encryption
35000 (SSL JMX) - 35001 (SSL JMX export callback) Management server (Web services management)
9653 Script engine for model Java event handlers (on local system)
9662 Script engine for model .NET event handlers (on local system)
5005, or next available External debugger for Java event handler scripting (if enabled)

Log Manager and Host Emulator ports

Log Manager

Listening Port Purpose/From
9640 (WCP) Session Server (adding messages)/Management Server (querying messages)/LogExport utility (querying messages)

Host Emulator

Listening Port Purpose/From
9670-9671, 1096-1099 Default "master" models, for demo connections from Session Server
36000 (secure JMX/RMI) Management Server (JConsole API for configuration)
36001 (JMX) JConsole API

Design Tool ports (Windows Development Kit only)

Listening Port Purpose/From
5006, or next available External debugger for Java event handler scripting
9654 through 9661 Script manager for Java event handlers (one port per Design Tool instance)
9663 through 9669 Script manager for .NET event handlers (one port per Design Tool instance)

Web Server and other ports

Component Listening Port Purpose/From
Web server 8081 (HTTP) HTML5/Java web application projects generated in Web Builder
Web server 8443 (HTTPS) HTML5 web application projects generated in Web Builder, with encrypted communications
Your hosts 23 (Telnet, default) / 992 (Telnet SSL, default) /1570 (HP NS/VT, default) Session server
Your network monitoring system (optional) 161 UDP (SNMP) Log Manager (notifications)
Your e-mail server (optional) 25 (SMTP, default) Log Manager (notifications)
Your directory server (optional) 636 (LDAPS, default) /389 (LDAP, default) Management Server (authentication requests for Administrative Console, deployment tools, and client connector)


Some components may use additional ephemeral ports. When configuring Windows Firewall exceptions, in addition to specifying port numbers, it is recommended you add program C:\Program Files\RocketSoftware\Verastream\java\bin\java.exe.

Configuring Host Integrator Networking

If you need to reassign the port numbers used by Host Integrator components, do the following:

  1. Stop all Host Integrator services.
  2. Create a file called and place it in the vhi/etc directory.
  3. Add vhibaseport=n to the file, where "n" is a valid port number.
  4. Restart all Host Integrator services.

After you reassign the VHI base port, the Host Integrator components are assigned these ports:

Component Port Assignment
vhibaseport n
session server n > n+16
logging utility n+17
management server n+18
script manager n+30

Changing Web service ports

To change the ports used for Web services (SOAP, and REST):

  1. Edit the configuration file, service-cfg.xml file in %VHI_ROOT%\sesssrvr\services\ws\META-INF.


    This file is created after web services are configured in Administrative Console.

  2. Add or modify the appropriate value:

    • SOAP HTTP - hostPort port 9680 (default)

    • SOAP HTTPS - secureHostPort port 9681 (default)

    For example:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
       <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
           <entry key="hostPort">9666</entry>
           <entry key="secureHostPort">9644</entry>
    3. Restart the session server.