VisiBroker for Java

Interface AgentOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface AgentOperations

The Location Service Agent is a collection of methods that enable you to discover objects on a network of Smart Agents. Methods for the Agent interface can be divided into two groups: those that query a Smart Agent for data describing instances, and those that register and unregisters triggers. You can query based on the interface's repository ID, or based on a combination of the interface's repository ID and the instance name. Results of a query can be returned as either object references or more complete instance descriptions. Triggers are a notification mechanism by which clients of the Location Service can be notified of changes to the availability of instances.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] all_agent_locations()
          Returns a sequence of hostnames on which OSAgents reside.
 Desc[][] all_available_descs()
          Returns full description information for all objects which are currently active (registered with some Smart Agent), organized into sequences by repository id.
 Object[][] all_available()
          Returns a sequence of all available Objects for each type, organized into sequences by repository id.
 Desc[] all_instances_descs(java.lang.String repository_id)
          Returns full description information for instances of the interface which implement the given repository id.
 Object[] all_instances(java.lang.String repository_id)
          Returns a sequence of CORBA::Objects with the given repository id.
 Desc[] all_replica_descs(java.lang.String repository_id, java.lang.String instance_name)
          Returns full description information for all like-named instances of the interface which implement the given repository id and have the given instance name.
 Object[] all_replica(java.lang.String repository_id, java.lang.String instance_name)
          Returns a set of CORBA::Objects with matching repository id and instance name.
 java.lang.String[] all_repository_ids()
          Returns all the interfaces known to any OSAgent.
 void reg_trigger(TriggerDesc desc, TriggerHandler handler)
          Registers a trigger handler.
 void unreg_trigger(TriggerDesc desc, TriggerHandler handler)
          Unregisters a trigger handler.
 boolean willRefreshOADs()
          When set to false, the Agent will not refresh its set of Activation Daemons on every invocation.
 void willRefreshOADs(boolean arg0)
          When set to false, the Agent will not refresh its set of Activation Daemons on every invocation.

Method Detail


boolean willRefreshOADs()
When set to false, the Agent will not refresh its set of Activation Daemons on every invocation. Otherwise, the set is updated on every Agent query operation to ensure that Activable providers are properly reported. Default is true.


void willRefreshOADs(boolean arg0)
When set to false, the Agent will not refresh its set of Activation Daemons on every invocation. Otherwise, the set is updated on every Agent query operation to ensure that Activable providers are properly reported. Default is true.


void unreg_trigger(TriggerDesc desc,
                   TriggerHandler handler)
                   throws Fail
Unregisters a trigger handler.

desc - Description of the instance. The instance description can contain combinations of the following instance information: repository ID, instance name, and host name. The more instance information provided, the more particular your specification of the instance.
handler - The TriggerHandler object you want to register.
Fail - There is no such trigger.


void reg_trigger(TriggerDesc desc,
                 TriggerHandler handler)
                 throws Fail
Registers a trigger handler.

desc - Description of the instance. The instance description can contain combinations of the following instance information: repository ID, instance name, and host name. The more instance information provided, the more particular your specification of the instance.
handler - The TriggerHandler object you want to register.
Fail - There is no such trigger.


java.lang.String[] all_repository_ids()
                                      throws Fail
Returns all the interfaces known to any OSAgent.

a sequence of repository ids which are registered with any OSAgent.
Fail - Either there is no agent available or there is unsuccessful communication with the OSAgent.


Desc[] all_replica_descs(java.lang.String repository_id,
                         java.lang.String instance_name)
                         throws Fail
Returns full description information for all like-named instances of the interface which implement the given repository id and have the given instance name.

repository_id - The repository id of the desired object, e.g.
instance_name - The instance name of the desired object, e.g. the oid used when it was activated.
An array with full descriptions of each object.
Fail - A communication problem with the agent occurred or the repository or instance id is invalid


Object[] all_replica(java.lang.String repository_id,
                     java.lang.String instance_name)
                     throws Fail
Returns a set of CORBA::Objects with matching repository id and instance name.

repository_id - The repository id of the desired object, e.g.
instance_name - The instance name of the desired object, e.g. the oid used when it was activated.
a set of CORBA::Objects with matching id.
Fail - A communication problem with the agent occurred or the repository or instance id is invalid.


Desc[] all_instances_descs(java.lang.String repository_id)
                           throws Fail
Returns full description information for instances of the interface which implement the given repository id.

repository_id - The repository id of the desired object, e.g.
An array of object descriptions.
Fail - A communication problem with the agent occurred or the repository id is invalid.


Object[] all_instances(java.lang.String repository_id)
                       throws Fail
Returns a sequence of CORBA::Objects with the given repository id. Wildcards cannot be used.

repository_id - The repository id of the desired object, e.g.
a set of CORBA::Objects with matching id.
Fail - A communication problem with the agent occurred or the repository id is invalid.


Desc[][] all_available_descs()
                             throws Fail
Returns full description information for all objects which are currently active (registered with some Smart Agent), organized into sequences by repository id.

full description information for all objects which are currently active (registered with some Smart Agent), organized into sequences by repository id.
Fail - Either there is no agent available or there is unsuccessful communication with the OSAgent.


Object[][] all_available()
                         throws Fail
Returns a sequence of all available Objects for each type, organized into sequences by repository id.

a sequence of all available Objects for each type.
Fail - Either there is no agent available or there is unsuccessful communication with the OSAgent.


java.lang.String[] all_agent_locations()
                                       throws Fail
Returns a sequence of hostnames on which OSAgents reside.

Returns a sequence of hostnames (IP address string sequence) on which OSAgents reside.
Fail - Either there is no agent available or there is unsuccessful communication with the OSAgent.

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