VisiBroker for Java

Interface TriggerHandlerOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface TriggerHandlerOperations

A TriggerHandler is a callback object that is invoked every time an object satisfying the trigger description becomes accessible. You implement a TriggerHandler by extending the _TriggerHandlerImplBase interface and implementing its impl_is_ready and impl_is_down methods.

Method Summary
 void impl_is_down(Desc desc)
          Called by the Location Service when an instance matching the desc becomes inaccessible.
 void impl_is_ready(Desc desc)
          Called by the Location Service when an instance matching the desc becomes accessible.

Method Detail


void impl_is_down(Desc desc)
Called by the Location Service when an instance matching the desc becomes inaccessible.

desc - Description of the instance. The instance description can contain combinations of the following instance information: repository ID, instance name, and host name. The more instance information provided, the more particular your specification of the instance.


void impl_is_ready(Desc desc)
Called by the Location Service when an instance matching the desc becomes accessible.

desc - Description of the instance. The instance description can contain combinations of the following instance information: repository ID, instance name, and host name. The more instance information provided, the more particular your specification of the instance.

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