VisiBroker for Java

Interface ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptor
extends IDLEntity

The ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptor interface is called when objects are added and removed from the active object map. Only used when POA has RETAIN policy. This interface is a per-POA interceptor which may be installed by a POALifeCycleInterceptor when the POA is created.

Method Summary
 void create(byte[] oid, Servant servant, POA adapter)
          This interceptor is called whenever a new object is added to the active object map.
 void destroy(byte[] oid, Servant servant, POA adapter)
          This interceptor is called whenever an object is removed from the active object map but has not yet been etherealized.

Method Detail


void destroy(byte[] oid,
             Servant servant,
             POA adapter)
This interceptor is called whenever an object is removed from the active object map but has not yet been etherealized. This method is called after an object has been deactivated and etherealized. The object reference and the POA of the object are passed as parameters.

oid - The object ID of the servant being destroyed.
servant - The servant being destroyed.
adapter - The Portable Object Adaptor(POA) on which the servant was destroyed.


void create(byte[] oid,
            Servant servant,
            POA adapter)
This interceptor is called whenever a new object is added to the active object map. This method is invoked after an object has been added to the Active Object Map, either through explicit or implicit activation, using either direct APIs or a ServantActivator. The object reference and the POA of the new active object are passed as parameters.

oid - The object ID of the servant being activated.
servant - The servant being activated.
adapter - The Portable Object Adaptor(POA) on which the servant was activated.

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