VisiBroker for Java

Interface IORCreationInterceptor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IORCreationInterceptor
extends IDLEntity

The IORCreationInterceptor is a per-POA interceptor which may be installed by a POALifeCycleInterceptor at POA creation time. The interceptor may be used to modify IORs by adding additional profiles or components. This interface is typically used to support services such as transactions or firewall. In addition to the interceptor, you may also change the per-POA IOR template which controls all IORs for that POA. You may prefer this IOR template approach if the IOR manipulations are not related to the repository or the OID of the reference being created. In addition, making radical changes to the IOR is not recommended.

Method Summary
 void create(POA poa, com.inprise.vbroker.IOP.IORValueHolder ior)
          The method is called whenever the POA needs to create an object reference.

Method Detail


void create(POA poa,
            com.inprise.vbroker.IOP.IORValueHolder ior)
The method is called whenever the POA needs to create an object reference. The interceptor may modify the IORValue by adding additional profiles or components, or changing the existing profiles or components.

poa - The POA on which the object reference is being created.
ior - The IOR holder in which you can change the IOR's profiles or components.

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