VisiBroker for Java

Interface CurrentOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CurrentOperations

The Current interface defines operations on the Native Messaging Current. Note that values set on the NativeMessaging::Current are effective per thread. NativeMessaging::Current follows CORBA::Current semantics.


Method Summary
 boolean no_more_reply()
 void pop_context()
 void push_context()
 java.lang.String replier_name()
          Contains the name of replier.
 boolean reply_not_available()
          Returns true if a reply is not available after a invocation.
 byte[] request_tag()
          Sets/Gets the request tag on NativeMessaging::Current object.
 void request_tag(byte[] arg0)
          Sets/Gets the request tag on NativeMessaging::Current object.
 void suppress_mode(boolean flag)
          Sets the suppress_mode flag on Current
 byte[] the_cookie()
          Sets/Gets the cookie value on NativeMessaging::Current object.
 void the_cookie(byte[] arg0)
          Sets/Gets the cookie value on NativeMessaging::Current object.
 Object the_poller()
          Returns the poller object.
 int wait_timeout()
          Sets/Gets the wait_timeout value in milliseconds on the NativeMessaging::Current object.
 void wait_timeout(int arg0)
          Sets/Gets the wait_timeout value in milliseconds on the NativeMessaging::Current object.

Method Detail


void pop_context()


void push_context()


java.lang.String replier_name()
Contains the name of replier. Currently set to an empty string is the replier is Request Agent.


boolean no_more_reply()


boolean reply_not_available()
Returns true if a reply is not available after a invocation. It is useful when the suppress mode is set to true. This attribute returns false once the reply is available.


Object the_poller()
Returns the poller object. Poller object is used by the client to poll and retrieve replies from Request Agent. Request Agent can return null poller if:

The Client must check the poller value for being non-null before using it.


byte[] request_tag()
Sets/Gets the request tag on NativeMessaging::Current object. This value is effective only for new invocations.

If same value of request tag is set on the same proxy for multiple invocation while the reply for one of the prior invocation is still pending, then a CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER exception with a minor code value of DUPLICATED_REQUEST_TAG is thrown back to the client.


void request_tag(byte[] arg0)
Sets/Gets the request tag on NativeMessaging::Current object. This value is effective only for new invocations.

If same value of request tag is set on the same proxy for multiple invocation while the reply for one of the prior invocation is still pending, then a CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER exception with a minor code value of DUPLICATED_REQUEST_TAG is thrown back to the client.


byte[] the_cookie()
Sets/Gets the cookie value on NativeMessaging::Current object. This value is effective only for new invocations. This cookie value is used by the Request Agent when calling back to reply recipient.


void the_cookie(byte[] arg0)
Sets/Gets the cookie value on NativeMessaging::Current object. This value is effective only for new invocations. This cookie value is used by the Request Agent when calling back to reply recipient.


int wait_timeout()
Sets/Gets the wait_timeout value in milliseconds on the NativeMessaging::Current object. When this value is set, an invocation on proxy or poller will block with the specified amount of time.

For Proxy:

If wait_timeout > 0 and the property WaitReply is set on proxy, then an invocation on the proxy will block for this amount of time. If the reply is available before the timeout, it will be returned back to the client. In this case a poller object won't be returned back in the Current. If, however, the reply is not available after timeout, client will be returned back a CORBA::NO_RESPONSE exception with the REPLY_NOT_AVAILABLE minor code and the reply_not_available attribute on Current will be set to true. When WaitReply property is false, then regardless of the wait_timeout value the invocation on proxy will return immediately with a poller in Current.

For Poller:

If wait_timeout > 0 then a polling operation on the poller will block for this amount of time. If the reply is available before the timeout, it will be returned back to the client. If, however, the reply is not available after timeout, client will be returned back a CORBA::NO_RESPONSE exception with the REPLY_NOT_AVAILABLE minor code and the reply_not_available attribute on Current will be set to true.

No blocking will take place if wait_timeout <= 0


void wait_timeout(int arg0)
Sets/Gets the wait_timeout value in milliseconds on the NativeMessaging::Current object. When this value is set, an invocation on proxy or poller will block with the specified amount of time.

For Proxy:

If wait_timeout > 0 and the property WaitReply is set on proxy, then an invocation on the proxy will block for this amount of time. If the reply is available before the timeout, it will be returned back to the client. In this case a poller object won't be returned back in the Current. If, however, the reply is not available after timeout, client will be returned back a CORBA::NO_RESPONSE exception with the REPLY_NOT_AVAILABLE minor code and the reply_not_available attribute on Current will be set to true. When WaitReply property is false, then regardless of the wait_timeout value the invocation on proxy will return immediately with a poller in Current.

For Poller:

If wait_timeout > 0 then a polling operation on the poller will block for this amount of time. If the reply is available before the timeout, it will be returned back to the client. If, however, the reply is not available after timeout, client will be returned back a CORBA::NO_RESPONSE exception with the REPLY_NOT_AVAILABLE minor code and the reply_not_available attribute on Current will be set to true.

No blocking will take place if wait_timeout <= 0


void suppress_mode(boolean flag)
Sets the suppress_mode flag on Current

flag - If true then the CORBA::NO_RESPONSE exception with REPLY_NOT_AVAILABLE minor code is not thrown back to the client; instead, the client code can check the reply_not_available attribute defined on the Current interface. If false, the CORBA::NO_RESPONSE is thrown back to the client.

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