VisiBroker for Java

Class RequestDesc

  extended by com.borland.vbroker.NativeMessaging.RequestDesc
All Implemented Interfaces:, IDLEntity

public final class RequestDesc
extends java.lang.Object
implements IDLEntity

Structure containing all the information needed to service an async request. Used by the RequestAgent.create_request method.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 java.lang.String polling_group
          A user assigned polling group name.
 NameValuePair[] properties
          Sequence of CORBA::NameValuePair.
 ReplyRecipient reply_recipient
          Reference of the reply recipient when callback model is used.
 java.lang.String repository_id
          Repository id of the target object.
 byte[] request_tag
          User assigned sequence of octets.
 Object target
          Reference of the target object upon which the client wish to invoke the operation.
 byte[] the_cookie
          A user specified sequence of octets.
Constructor Summary
RequestDesc(Object target, java.lang.String repository_id, ReplyRecipient reply_recipient, byte[] the_cookie, java.lang.String polling_group, byte[] request_tag, NameValuePair[] properties)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 int hashCode()
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Object target
Reference of the target object upon which the client wish to invoke the operation. CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception will be raised if a null value for reference is passed.


public java.lang.String repository_id
Repository id of the target object. If this is an empty string, Request Agent will try to extract the repository id from the target object reference. If no repository id can be found in the target object reference, a CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception is raised. Clients can also use a repository id of "*". This acts as a wild card and is_a operation on the request object returns true for any repository id.


public ReplyRecipient reply_recipient
Reference of the reply recipient when callback model is used. If this reference is not null then the Request Agent will call its reply_available method when a reply is ready.


public byte[] the_cookie
A user specified sequence of octets. It will be sent to the reply_recipient when its method reply_available is called. The information inside the cookie is user defined.


public java.lang.String polling_group
A user assigned polling group name. The group name is scoped inside the Request Agent. Group names are not uniquely used. If a non-empty group name is used and the Request Agent doesn't have a polling group with that name, a new group will be implicitly created. However, if a group with the specified name already exists, the created request object is added into that group.


public byte[] request_tag
User assigned sequence of octets. If non-empty, it uniquely identifies a request in a polling group. If another request in the polling group already exists with the same tag, the DuplicatedRequestTag exception is raised.


public NameValuePair[] properties
Sequence of CORBA::NameValuePair.

Note: Starting from VBE 6.0, the properties field is defined as CORBA::NameValuePair. Applications using Native Messaging from VBE 5.1/5.2.x are wire interoperable with VBE 6.0 Request Agent (and vice versa). However, code changes are required if an older Native Messaging application is to be compiled with VBE 6.0..

Constructor Detail


public RequestDesc()


public RequestDesc(Object target,
                   java.lang.String repository_id,
                   ReplyRecipient reply_recipient,
                   byte[] the_cookie,
                   java.lang.String polling_group,
                   byte[] request_tag,
                   NameValuePair[] properties)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object

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Voice: (831) 431-1000

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