VisiBroker for Java

Package org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage

Provides the exceptions used in the package org.omg.CosNaming (AlreadyBound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, NotEmpty, and NotFound) and also the Helper and Holder classes for those exceptions.


Class Summary
AlreadyBoundHelper org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
AlreadyBoundHolder org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
CannotProceedHelper org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
CannotProceedHolder org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
InvalidNameHelper org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
InvalidNameHolder org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotEmptyHelper org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotEmptyHolder org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotFoundHelper org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotFoundHolder org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotFoundReason Indicates the reason for not able to resolve.
NotFoundReasonHelper Indicates the reason for not able to resolve.
NotFoundReasonHolder Indicates the reason for not able to resolve.

Exception Summary
AlreadyBound org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
CannotProceed org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
InvalidName org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotEmpty org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .
NotFound org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/ .

Package org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage Description

Provides the exceptions used in the package org.omg.CosNaming (AlreadyBound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, NotEmpty, and NotFound) and also the Helper and Holder classes for those exceptions. It also provides Helper and Holder classes for the class NotFoundReason, which supplies a reason for the exception NotFound.

Related Documentation

This package contains interfaces and classes used by the the Borland Enterprise Server VisiBroker Edition Naming Service. The VisiBroker Naming Service is a complete implementation of the Interoperable Naming Specification Version 1.2 (formal/02-09-02) from the OMG.

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