Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional is a part of Email Archiving.
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Take control of your Bloomberg system while remaining compliant

Bloomberg Professional lacks critical capabilities that can put your organization at risk for data loss and compliance violations. As a result, the standard archiving functionality of Bloomberg is not enough for financial and other enterprise organizations. Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional provides an archive that is platform agnostic and features policy-based archiving, audit trails, and configurable permissions. This functionality ensures that you maintain complete control of your data and that your data archive is complete and compliant.

Take control of your Bloomberg system while remaining compliant

Enjoy complete archiving of Bloomberg Professional

Enjoy enterprise-level archiving for Bloomberg messaging with Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional. All your Bloomberg email, attachments, instant messages, and alerts are securely archived in one central location. This data can be easily accessed by end users and administrators directly through the Retain Web Access Archive Viewer.

Within the archive, you can quickly access, search, restore, and audit archived communication data. Placing litigation holds, printing, forwarding, saving, redacting, and exporting your data happens with just a few clicks. Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional enables you to reduce cost, mitigate risk, and manage complexity both on premises and in the cloud.

Reduce storage space with message deletion

Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional includes customizable message deletion policies to reduce storage space and server load on your Bloomberg system. You have the ability to customize policies to delete email from the server after being archived in Retain, or after exceeding its retention age.

Enjoy complete data control

Whether your data is archived on premises or in the cloud, you maintain complete control of your data. Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional helps you to know exactly where your data is stored and who is accessing your data. You also have the ability to set policies that ensure only your named users have access to your data. Your archive remains completely secure, but still easily accessible.

Open records search

Be ready for any open records requests for Bloomberg messages. Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional enables you to quickly and easily produce Bloomberg data that may be required for litigation, audits, regulatory investigation, eDiscovery requests, FOIA requests, or other records requests.

Do more with the High Performance Indexing Engine

A clusterable, high performance index is featured with Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional. This engine is able to support an unlimited amount of search requests so you can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily. The High Performance Indexing Engine also features a variety of formats including load balancing or failover format. Whether you’re looking to increase performance or reduce redundancy, Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional can help.

Write Once Read Many archiving (WORM)

Retain Archiving for Bloomberg Professional helps organizations achieve WORM compliance with NetApp SnapLock. Retain delivers high-performance disk-based data permanence for HDD and SSD deployments while providing data integrity and retention. This ensures that data is written only once to the archive, while still being accessible multiple times. Archived data cannot be changed, ensuring complete compliance.

More information about Bloomberg archiving with Retain can be found here ›