
Generating a Web Application

Web Builder uses model information to generate Web applications. You determine the look and feel of the Web application by the model and Web Builder settings you choose. HTML 5 Web applications are platform and technology independant.

The complexity and functionality of the Web application depends on the host application model that you create with the Design Tool. Using a model that contains only connection information, has no defined entities, and uses the default settings, Web Builder generates a Web application matching the terminal screen layout. However, if you use a model with defined entities, attributes, operations, recordsets, and procedures, you have more control over the Web application that is generated.

How does it work?

A Web page is generated for each included entity and procedure in the model. The pages are named entity_<ENTITYNAME> and procedure_<PROCEDURENAME>. Each procedure is exposed through a link in the generated Web application. When you click the link the application either displays a form to input the procedure parameters and an Execute button, or if there are no more parameters, a link that automatically executes the procedure.

When you include procedures in a model, Web Builder can generate a Web application that exposes the host application functionality, rather than just the host screens. Procedures encapsulate host data and logic so that it can be accessed as database tables. A set of files is generated that provides a Web-based front-end to the procedures in the table of your host application model. Programmers can then retrieve information from the host application using a familiar database interface.

Running a Web Application

To run a selected Web application:

Click Run on the bottom of the Web Builder dialog box


Open a Web browser and enter the URL for the Web application. The URL takes this format: http://<serverName>/<ProjectName>.

Hosting an HTML 5 Web Application on a Non-Windows Verastream Installation

Verastream Web applications are generated on Windows platforms, however you can copy and run them from any supported Verastream installation platform. Web Builder automatically deploys Web applications to your local Windows Host Integrator Web server, which makes it easy to test projects under development.


During deployment the Microsoft User Account Control (UAC) utility will prompt you to continue deployment using elevated privileges. Click Continue to dismiss the dialog box and continue deploying the Web application.

About the WAR file

The Web application , in the form of a WAR file, is copied into the Web server folder: <VHI install folder>\servletengine\webapps

A Web archive (.war) file is a convenient way to deploy the generated Web application to any JSP 1.2 compliant servlet engine or application server. A .war file is generated for Web applications in the <Documents>\RocketSoftware\Verastream\HostIntegrator\projects\<ProjectName>\webapp folder.

Moving the Verastream HTML 5 Web Application to Another Server

To move a Web application to either a Windows or non-Windows test or production environment:

  1. Confirm that the deployed application has access to the Host Integrator model:

    • If you created the application using a model in your production environment, the Web application's access information is correct.
    • If you created the application using a model outside your production environment or from an exported XML file, make the following changes:

      • If you are connecting with the model via the session server: modify the name of the session server and, if necessary, the model name.
      • If you are connecting with the model via a domain: modify the name of the management server and, if necessary, the domain name.

    To make these changes open the Web Builder Project Properties dialog box and modify the connection information.

  2. To deploy the Web application to the VHI Web Server on a different machine (either Linux or Windows), manually copy the .WAR file to <VHI install folder>/servletengine/webapps. To deploy the Web application to the VHI Web Server on Windows platforms, manually copy the .WAR file to <VHI install folder>\servletengine\webapps.


If the web application has already been deployed, you can make these changes manually by editing the <VHI install folder>\servletengine\webapps\<ProjectName>\WEB-INF\classes\<ProjectName>\<ProjectName> file.