VisiBroker for Java

Package com.inprise.vbroker.Activation

Provides the programmatic interface to the OAD (Object Activation Daemon).


Interface Summary
OAD Provides access to the Object Activation Daemon (OAD).
OADOperations Provides access to the Object Activation Daemon (OAD).

Class Summary
ImplementationStatus Contains the status of all activated servers for a given registration in the OAD.
ObjectStatus Represents the status of a single server process (or activation) managed by the OAD.
State Indicates the status of an object implementation registered with the OAD.

Exception Summary
Busy Indicates that the specified object is in use.
DuplicateEntry Indicates that a registration with the specified particulars already exists.
FailedToExecute Indicates that the process spawned by the OAD failed to execute.
InvalidPath Indicates that the OAD cannot locate an implementation class or executable.
IsActive Indicates that the implementation being changed is currently active.
NotRegistered Indicates that the OAD cannot find a registration with the specified particulars.
NotResponding Indicates that no response available from OAD.

Package com.inprise.vbroker.Activation Description

Provides the programmatic interface to the OAD (Object Activation Daemon). The OAD interface allows clients to query and monitor the OAD as well as to register and unregister servers with the OAD.

Please see the extension package for related information. Please see CreationImplDef for details on programmatic registration of servers. Details on programmatic registration of servers can be found in the CreationImplDef class

Related Documentation

Please see the Borland VisiBroker Developer's Guide for further details.

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