VisiBroker for Java

Package com.inprise.vbroker.extension

Allows programmatic control over the activation and deactivation of objects with the OAD.


Interface Summary
Activator Allows programmatic control over the activation and deactivation of Objects.

Class Summary
ActivationImplDef Provides a set of attributes for an Activator to describe a service.
CreationImplDef Describes an OAD registration.
ImplementationDef ImplementationDef is a generic interface to describe activation data to Service Activators
Policy Describes the policy that the OAD should use regarding the sharing of launched servers across multiple clients.

Package com.inprise.vbroker.extension Description

Allows programmatic control over the activation and deactivation of objects with the OAD. Also contains classes that are used to specify the registration details of servers during programmatic registration.

Please see the Activation package for related information. Details on programmatic registration of servers can be found in the CreationImplDef class

Related Documentation

Please see the Borland VisiBroker Developer's Guide for further details.

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Voice: (831) 431-1000

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