VisiBroker for Java

Interface ObjectWrapper

public interface ObjectWrapper

Object Wrappers allows you to define methods that are called when a client application invokes a method on a bound object or when a server application receives an operation request. Unlike the interceptor feature which is invoked at the VB ORB level, Object Wrappers are invoked before an operation request has been marshalled.In fact,you can design object wrappers to return results without the operation request having ever been marshalled, sent across the network or actually presented to the object implementation. Object Wrappers may be installed on just the client-side,just the server-side, or they may be installed in both the client & server portions of a single application.

Method Summary
 void _set_next(Object next)
          Set the CORBA Object.

Method Detail


void _set_next(Object next)
Set the CORBA Object.

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